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June 7

It had to be 2 or 3 in the morning and I couldn't sleep for the life of me so I snuck out of the room and sat in the living room in the chair Indian style while I ate a mix of potato salad and some pasta salad my momma cooked for me yesterday and watched peppa pig

"It's impossible. Uh can you whistle suzie"


"Oh good! I mean-that's sad if you can't whistle but good because I can't whistle"

"What's whistling anyway?"

"You put your lips together and blow!"

"Like this?" *whistles*

*hangs up the phone*


"Oh shit. That bitch seem kinda salty" I laughed while I shoved another forkful of my food in my mouth, hearing feet shuffle across the ground. The house was dark besides the light from the tv in front of me and I noticed a dark figure walking down the hall but I already knew it was Kentrell. He appeared into the living room running his hand across his face and looked at me

"Whatchu doing up?"

I held up my bowl and fork, making him laugh a little bit as he walked over to the chair

"Couldn't sleep either could you?" I asked him and he shook his head while sitting down beside me and threw his arm across the back of the chair. I then laid back on him and he looked in my bowl frowning his face up

"The hell you eating?"

"Potato and pasta salad"

"You gone be shittin in the next hour. Watch"

I rolled my eyes and looked in my bowl "it's good though"

"I bet so"he muttered and I couldn't help but look at him, smiling. Once he caught me looking at him he arched up his brow "what?"

"Nothing" I laughed a little and went back to eating my food. Kentrell looked at the tv and smacked his lips

"I know damn well you ain watching this shit"

"You sleepin on peppa pig, but this show is good!"

"You just childish. That's what it is" he muttered and I leaned over, sitting my bowl in the coffee table then leaned back on Kentrell again

"I need me some ice cream now"

"You just being greedy. That's what it is"

"It's your child's fault"

He wrapped his arms around me and placed one of his hands on my stomach

"I already know this one gone be a boy"

"What makes you think that?"

He smirked and looked down at me "cause I feel it in my balls"

I smacked my lips and he laughed "Forreal though. I gotta feeling and watch, you thought Kemoni looked just like me. Wait till my son come"

"Who says SHE won't look like me?" I asked and Kentrell stopped moving

"You want another girl?"

"No but I don't want a boy either"

"Noel. What the hell you want then?"

I looked up for a second then over at him "..... honestly... I wanna big bowl of strawberry ice cream with chocolate fudge and strawberry pieces on top"

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