Chapter 2

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Brooke POV

I woke up and I was in Luke's room. I was still on his chest. I quietly slipped out of bed and took off Luke's shirt and laid it on the bed. I put on my shirt and skinny jeans and converse and I wrote a note saying:

To:Luke,Michael,Ashton,and Calum

Thank you for having me over. Thank you Luke letting me use your shirt. Hope you guys have fun in the future.

Your friend, Brooke

I unlocked the door and went to my car. When I was about to walk to my car, I got pulled by Michael. He was very strong so I could hardly runaway and go home.

"What the fuck Michael!" I yelled

"Sorry." He said

"Now excuse me I have to go." I said

"I have a question."

"Ok make it quick." I said

"Brooke, me and the boys are wondering if you wanted to go on tour?"

"Oh Michael I'm so sorry I can't. Im going on vacation for 4 months." I said


"We can keep in touch ok?" I said


Then I walked away and headed to my car. I felt sorry but I planed that vacation a long time ago.I finally came to my house. I jumped out of my car and walked to the front door. I unlocked the door and fell on the sofa. I finally was able to turn on the tv. When I turned it on the news was on. The women was talking about 5 seconds of summer. I turned the volume up.

"Apparently Ashton Irwin from 5 seconds of summer has cheated on his girlfriend,Alex."

"Ashton has a Girfriend!" I said

"He was at a party 1 day ago and cheated on her with his ex, Leah."

"Oh my god! I have to tell Ashton. He probably was drunk and doesn't know anything."

I rushed to Ashton's house. When I got there I rushed inside. The door was opened. I tried to find him but he was probably somewhere I couldn't find him. "ASHTON COME OUT!" I screamed. Then I heard a cough behind the table. I walked to the table and he was right under it.

"Ashton, have you seen the news?"

"Yea of course! I couldn't believe I did that to my beautiful girlfriend."

"Ashton you have to fix this!"

"I know."

Before I said anything else Alex came in. Probably about to yell at Ashton of what he done. Then she saw me and had a dirty look on him. I was such an idiot of coming over. I could've just called.


"It's not what it looks like!" I said

"Yea shut up! ASHTON HOW COULD YOU!"

"I'm sorry ok!"

"Sorry only sorry! Wow just wow! Ashton were done!" Alex said

"But Alex!"

"Don't but me Ash were done!"

When she slammed the door, Ashton faced me with a sad look. It was a hurtful conversation. I feel bad for him. I would date him but I only like him only in a friend way.

"Ash I'm sorry."

"Brooke, it's fine."

"C'mon give me a hug."

When we hugged I felt his hug fingers on my waist. When we were done hugging I leaned in and kissed him on the lips softly. That kiss felt amazing. but then I realized that i was kissing Ash. we both separated and sat there awkwardly.



"Tell me that won't happen again."

"It won't."

"Plus I don't even like you that way. I don't know what happened."

"Me neither." He said

"Anyways bye."

"Bye Brooklyn."

"Please don't call me that."


I walked to my car and jumped in. I headed home and flopped on the sofa. I was exhausted. Then my phone got a text. I chanced it and it was Michael.


Hey want to hangout until I have to leave tomorrow?"

To: Mikey

Of course! When and where?


My house, and be here at like 4:00?



Ok good I have an hour to rest! Thank god. I took a 30 minutes nap. When it was 4:00 I headed to Michaels house. I wondered what we were doing? Hmmm maybe go to the park? I don't know. When I got there I got out of my car,walked to the front door and knocked on the door. He finally opened the door.



"So I was thinking we can go to the park and have a picnic?"

"Yea sure!"

We then hoped into Mikey's car. We drove to the park. When we got there we parked the car and we both hoped out of the car. It was a beautiful day. The sun was out and everything seemed perfect.

"Hey let's settle here." I said while pointing


We both sat where I pointed at and we sat together not making it awkward.

"So Michael Im gonna miss you around here."

"Aww! oh heres a gift i got you."

He gave me a a small box. I looked at him while opening it and when i opened it there was a necklace in it.

"Oh Mikey! I love it! thank you!"

"No problem,Brooke."

It was now 6:00 and Michael drove me home. I was very sad because I wont be seeing him for like 4 months and the tour starts tomorrow. When we arrived at my house,I hugged him quickly and walked to my house. I ran upstairs and flopped on the bed. I was so exhausted! I finally fell asleep and it was the day Michael is leaving for the tour.


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