PJO Fan-fic

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My name is Cheyenne Bell. Let me tell you my story. Its pretty awesome. But first let me warn you. You don't have to read this. In fact I advise against it. You might die from an overload of awesome but I won't stop you.
My day started out pretty normal until a one-eyed monster attacked me in Time Square. See before that I had been waiting to meet my dad. He's a farmer from Missouri. He sent me to a private school for girls in New York. Why so far away from our little family owned farm, I don't know. Dad says that my mom left when I was just a toddler. Now I'm fourteen and I'm still mad at her for leaving. He never says why when I ask. He just gets a far away look in his eyes.
So today he's flying up from Missouri and we're going to have lunch. At least I thought we were. When I arrived at our rendezvous I saw that it was not my dad that was waiting for me it was a 7 foot tall monster. The thing was wearing overalls and sporting very large rubber boots. Just like my dad, I thought, but the weirdest thing about this creature is that it had only one eye. And that eye was leering at me right now. Where was my dad? The monster said "Why hello demigod." in a perfect imitation of my dad's voice. The same voice that told me over the phone that he was already in time square.
The monster, wait Cyclops, I remembered learning about them in history class, picked up a café table and threw it at me. I was so shocked at what I was seeing that I couldn't move my legs. Good thing the Cyclops overthrew or I would have been a Cheyenne-pancake. I recovered from my shock and looked around no one else seemed to notice that a big, hairy, and somehow real Cyclops threw a table over my head. And then as if this day could have gotten even weirder a boy jumped out of an alleyway and shot the Cyclops with an arrow, right between the eyes.With a cry of surprise the Cyclops disintegrated into a fine yellow dust.
I turned around and looked at the boy. He seemed to be around my age. With short blond hair and light green eyes. He ran up to me and when he talked I detected a light southern accent "Sorry about that, normally this is a satyr's job but Chiron called and I was the only one near-by." Satyr, Chiron, What? My look must have said it all because he rolled his eyes and said "I'll explain later. Come on." he took my hand but I  pulled away, no way was I following a probably crazy stranger who knows where. Instead I asked, "Where are we going?" He sighed. "Okay how about I explain now." "You know about Greek myths and Greek gods and stuff right?" Confused I answered, "Yeah but what does that have to do with ----" he cut me off. "Well all that stuff's real and I'm taking you to a camp for people like you and me, demigods, I'm the son of Apollo." I stared at him, clearly he was insane. "I promise I'm telling the truth I can find more monsters and show you." remembering the Cyclops I shook my head and said "Fine I'll go with you to your camp but at least tell me your name." he grinned "My name is Carson Jones"
Why I followed him. I didn't know I just had a feeling that he was telling the truth, there was something in his eyes that made me so sure. That didn't really comfort me though.
He led me to a park that was surprisingly green for New York. In fact the grass seemed to turn greener everywhere my feet touched, though that was impossible and I shook my head thinking I was just imagining it.
We trudged up a wooded hill and I did a double take. Behind a thick tree was a beautiful dappled grey horse but it wasn't a normal horse. This horse had large silver wings that were currently flapping at its sides. Behind the horse was a small chariot barely big enough for two people. Carson looked at me and said "We'll be flying this Pegasus to Camp Half-blood, don't worry though people usually never fall out." I turned to him, "Usually!" He grinned but didn't say anything.
After he hooked the chariot up to the Pegasus, which Carson told me his name was Quicksilver, he turned to me and said "You never told me what your name is." I  studied him for a moment wondering if I should tell him my real name then said " My name is Cheyenne." Grinning he said "Well alright Cheyenne, are you coming or not?" He held out a hand for me, And after a moments hesitation I took it.
          Flying in a chariot was pretty cool. The only thing that ruined it was the thunderstorm we had to fly through. The lightning was so frequent that Carson had to land a few times. I had to give it to Quicksilver for being brave, If I had to fly through this storm I thought, I would pass out five minutes in. Then again I technically was flying through the storm.
When we arrived we were both soaked and tired. The storm was still going strong but once we passed over a tall pine tree the rain stopped. Surprised I looked behind me it was still storming. Carson apparently saw my questioning look because he said "Camp Half-blood has a protective barrier that keeps out bad weather and monsters." "Oh." is all I said but that did little to stop the flood of questions muddling my brain.
         When we landed it was dark. In the d torchlight I could see that there were twelve cabins all lined up to form a Ω. All of the lights in the cabins were off except for a large house in the middle with a wooden porch. Carson told me to go to the house and call for Chiron. He said he would go take care of Quicksilver. So I made my way slowly up to the big house looking at all the cabins.
When I got there I knocked on the door. A man in a wheelchair appeared and I said "Um, excuse me I'm looking for Chiron." the man regarded me with kind eyes. "I am Chiron." I blinked. "You must be the girl Carson found. I'm sure you're very confused but I know Carson explained some of it to you." I answered "He explained a little bit, but why am I here. I'm not the child of a god." Chiron's eyes looked sad. "Did your mom or dad leave when you were a child?" Confused I answered. " My mom left but that doesn't mean----." Chiron interrupted "Why don't you come inside." hesitantly I followed him inside.
We sat down across from each other on plush furniture while Chiron told me about the camp. He said that half-bloods come in the summer and leave in the winter, but some stay year round; That they grow strawberries to fund the camp and all the campers are half-bloods but Nymphs and Satyrs live here too; That it's dangerous to be a half-blood because they normally attract monsters and some campers go on quests and never come back.
When he was finished talking he waited politely for me to absorb it all than he said, "Normally," said Chiron, "The gods claim their children soon after they first enter camp Half-blood so hopefully we will find out your godly parent by tomorrow. I will have Carson show you around camp." he looked like he wanted to ask me something, but seemed to decide against it and finally said "You can sleep on a cott up-stairs if you'd like.
(Comment if you want me to write more)

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