Carson's POV

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Carson couldn't help but stare at Cheyenne as they ate in the mess hall. She confused him, he felt... nervous around her, he decided. The worst part was he had just met her.

His cabin mates laughed and talked around him. One of them, Will Solace, followed his gaze and grinned but didn't say anything.

He sighed as everybody got up to go to the sing-along and have s'mores. His cabin (The Apollo cabin) would be leading the sing-along.

He wasn't particularly good at anything musical. Archery was more up his alley. So he looked around in the crowd until he found Cheyenne.

He started to make his way over to her. The sing-along had ended and they were starting to pass around s'mores.

He reached her and said her name. All of the sudden her face became bathed in golden light and the smell of hay, flowers, and fresh baked bread washed over him.

He looked up over Cheyenne's head was a golden cornucopia. The symbol of Demeter

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