A Promise Kept: Part 6

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A/N (Author's note)
Demon or other speaking

Inuyasha's P.O.V.

I woke up with a splitting headache I grabbed my head in hopes it would somehow ease the pain. After a while the splitting headache started to go away. "Uuughhhh........what happened" I said. I looked over myself and saw that I was covered in bandages. After looking at myself I looked around to see that I was in a small house. As I was looking around I noticed that Seeshomaru was sleeping right next to me.

I watched as Seeshomaru slowly woke up and look at his surroundings. He noticed that I was sitting right next to him. He turned his body towards me and was looking me over. "What are you doing" I asked feeling weirded out. "I'm checking to make sure that they didn't miss an injury that needs to be patched up" he said.

After he was done making sure that I was ok, we just sat there in silence. "Well thanks for the help back there with that big demon" I said nervously as I had never actually had a conversation with my brother. "Of course I was going to help you, your my little brother" he said also sounding a bit nervous. After that we just sat there in silence.

"So why did you turn into your Demon form and attack Ryūkotsusei, you could have just left and save yourself, but you didn't......why" I asked wanting to know. "Inuyasha your my brother and I'm your older brother, even though I haven't acted like one, I am still your brother and it is my job to help you and make sure that you're all right" he said with a serious tone. It was silent between us for a few moments.

The. Seeshomaru spoke again "listen Inuyasha I know I have done some pretty bad things to you, I have attacked you numerous times for stupid reasons, I have driven a wedge between us, and I want to remove that wedge, I don't want to fight you any more". He took another deep breath and continued "after talking with a friend of our father, he made me realize that what I was doing was wrong, I came looking for you to apologize for everything I did, I know that you may never be able to forgive, and that you may never consider me family, and to be honest after everything I've done to you I deserve it, but please just stay safe that's all I ask for". As he finished talking he bowed his head and looked at the ground.

Neither of us moved for what felt like hours. I moved over to him which caused him to raise his head. But before he could say anything I hugged him. I held him tightly and he proceeded to do the same after registering what happened. "You're right I can never forgive you Seeshomaru, you have attacked me numerous times, and have belittled me almost constantly" I said. He made to pull back from the hug but I just increased my hold on him. "But that was the old Seeshomaru, the one who didn't care about me and didn't care about things like family, the Seeshomaru that only wanted the Tessaiga and nothing else, the Seeshomaru that didn't care about anything" I said while still hugging him. "That was the old Seeshomaru, and your not him" I said while tearing up. "You're something that the old you could never be" I said while letting the tears fall from my eyes. "And what is that" he asked, and from his tone I could tell that he was barely keeping it together. I looked up at him and said "you're my brother".

Seeshomaru tried not to show it but I saw the beginning of tears in his eyes. He immediately hugged me back, his face on my shoulder. That's when I began to feel drops of water on my shoulder. I knew he was crying. "I always knew you were a big softie" I said. This made us both laugh. But for some reason we couldn't stop laughing. After what felt like hours of laughing we were finally able to stop.

"Eeeggghhhmmm" we heard someone clearin their throat. We both turned around and saw Naruto at the doorway. "Well you two were pretty banged up" he said with his arms crossed. "So it seems you two finally started to act like brothers" he said walking into the room with his arms still crossed. "Yeah thanks to you" I said with a smile on my face. "Ooohhhh.... I didn't do anything , I just gave you the idea and motivation, it was completely up to you two if you wanted to patch things up" he said this time with a smile on his face and his arms uncrossed.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry Naruto for all the things I said earlier" I said with my head down. "Ohhh don't worry about it kid, Kagome has told me that you have been through a lot of things, so I understand how hard it was for you to believe me, after all I went through the same thing" he said while  leaning down and patted my back.

After that we began to talk. He told me how great father was, and how he was one of his greatest friends. He told us that he was off saving another friend before he came here. We just kept talking and talking. Eventually the others came and saw that we were awake. I was immediately tackled by Kagome, she hugged me and she wouldn't let go. And when she did let go she began to scream and chastise me. The same thing happened to my brother only it was with the little girl. After everything died down Seeshomaru introduced us to the little girl.

"Well we better get started looking for the Shikon Jewel shards" I said getting up. Only to find myself still on the ground and on my back. "You have barely even recovered Inuyasha, you are not going to go out and get even more hurt" yelled Kagome. "Just like your father, when he wanted to do something he would usually rush to do it, of course his beautiful wives prevented him from doing anything to reckless and to stupid" said Naruto.

So we were forced to stay there and rest. After a couple of days or so we were back to normal. Me and Seeshomaru had decided to work together. We had the same goal, which was killing that monster Naraku. We both agreed that working together would make things safer including when it came to Rin. Seeshomaru promised me that the next time we stopped for a break or whatever, he would teach me some sword skills.

Naruto's P.O.V.

"Well I best be heading off" I said. "Do you have to leave so soon" asked Inuyasha. "Yeah we could really use your help" said Seeshomaru. "Nah you kids got it covered, and besides for kids you guys are pretty strong" I said nonchalantly. "Kids, what about you, you look to be around the same age as us" said Kagome. "Well Kagome I am technically thousands of years old" I stated with a confident voice. Of course me saying this shocked them, I mean of course they would be shocked, thousands of years old and I look this handsome this would shock anybody, they opened and closed their mouths a coupled times. "Well it was nice to catch up, I'll be going but I'll see you again someday" I said, trying to get out of there before they can ask any questions. I turned around and walked away, when I got a good distance away from the others I transformed back into my dragon form. I waved them goodbye then I left.

'Now it's time for me to visit my new home' I thought as I flew to my new home.

Inuyasha and Seeshomaru have finally made up. Now they work together to protect their friends and family. Of course that doesn't mean they won't annoy each other. After all they are brothers.

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