Chapter 8 - Adventurer

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That was a great sleep.

Anyway, you should get the gist from the title already about today activity.

Just for your information, this place is quite a large town.

Luckily! I got my system!

Don't think that my system only has a status function. It also has bunch of other. One of it is mapping.

It will record the route i take. Not only that but it can also copy paste a real map. Which i have already done.

Appearently, if the real world condition differ too greatly from the map confirmed, the system map will only show a mist. But if it is a path that isn't recorded yet, it will only be black.

Which is why, the first destination is the adventurer guild. A real classical fantasy world organization.

Shadow have already told me about it's existence this morning.

Because it will be troublesome for identity checking like last time, this will give us an opportunity to make an identity card.

Me, Adolf, and Dean will head there to register our identity. While Shadow... He appearently joined an underworld organization just last night.

Since that is his job and he is undoubtedly strong, i gave him my permission.

Let's just say... He established his dominance in the organization.


As Shadow doesn't need to join the adventurer guild anymore, he left to do his stuff. We then left for the adventurer guild.


We finally arrived! This sure is convenient.

It sure is a huge building. It seems to be three floor tall. Though that is not that big compared tp the skyscraper in my original world. 


We then proceed to enter the building.

The place sure is wide like an auditorium.

Well, according to shadow I need to go the registration office. From there I need to do some task to be eligible. 

"Excuse me, can we register as an adventurer?" I asked the lady in charge of registration.

"Yes, are the three of you registering?"

"Yes, all of us."

The lady then give us three form.  As we fill the form, the lady proceed to tell us regarding the admission. First we need to pay 100 valna. In case you're wondering what valna is it's this world currency.

Here is a little lesson from professor Lev. (Glasses on)

The currency used here is called valna. As for in what shape, it's in the shape of a card. The card store the amount of money we have. While the actual money is stored on the core of the bank. With this card we can store any number of money and do transaction for any amount.

Next, there are two type of card. One is our identity card which also worked as a wallet. There is also a temporal storage type where it will hold a certain number of money for a one time transaction. Best if you want to keep your identity a secret or just don't have an identity card like us.

I handed her the temporal card worth 300 from shadow.

We are than tasked to do a hunt outside the town. We are required to deliver 5 slime cores, 5 sunlight herbs, and 1 boar tusk.

After finishing the paperwork we then move out for the first hunt.


Hello guys...

I apparently got in the mood. So here is the continuation. I said it before? It's fine.

Happy new year if anyone reading this. I figured to make the first chapter of the year.

I honestly didn't expect for someone to actually read this and give a comment.

Anyway as always any support is appreciated.

See you when i see you!

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