Chapter 21

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Morning Zoey. Just headed out for a little exploring. I’ll be back soon!

- Patch

Zoey found herself reading the note, in spite of its brevity, several times before setting it back on the night stand. Exploring? Was this the same man who just yesterday nearly fainted from exhaustion after the walk to Piedmont? The same man who consumed a thyroid destroying dose of radioactive iodine last night?

Zoey could not believe she’d slept so long, it was almost noon! She needed to find Patch.

Where could he have gone? He didn’t even eat the food...he must still be feeling sick.

Zoey flew out of the room and almost knocked over Dr. Lockwood. Instead, she adroitly pivoted on her foot at the last moment, seized Solomon’s lab coat and slammed him back against the door to room 106. “Where is he? Where’s Patch?”

Nearly lifted from his feet, Solomon stammered in response. “Zoey I don’t know, he...he was gone by the time I came back around to the room.”

“What? If I find that you’re lying to me again—” Zoey paused in frustration though she did not loosen her grip. “Does he even know about the radioactive bullshit you shoved down his throat?”

“Yes, Zoey. I left him a note explaining everything along with the first dose of thyroxine.”

“You fucking coward! You’re kidding me right? You left him a NOTE explaining that you POISONED him?”

“Y...yes. I also mentioned that he may experience some nausea. And that you would be leaving tomorrow on assignment —”

“WHAT?” Zoey released Solomon and inhaled deeply, while simultaneously harpooning him with a gaze of absolute condemnation.

Solomon stopped breathing and clutched at his chest as if struggling to expand his lungs.

Zoey whispered, “If anything more happens to that man today, you’re going to wish I’d killed you swiftly last night.”

Zoey turned and headed toward the lobby of the clinic. A huge gasp erupted from behind her. Zoey did not look back to see Solomon bent over, hands on knees, drinking air as if he’d just escaped a three-alarm fire.

She had only one person on her mind now. And if this fucking town did anything else to hurt Patch, they were going to need a lot more than Johansen and his men to save themselves.


Standing at the corner of Edward Street and Main, Zoey realized she had no idea where she was going. She’d just been walking in a straight line after leaving the clinic, altogether preoccupied by the thoughts in her head. Why did these people hurt Patch? Why did she allow it? What would happen to Patch if she failed to get the information out of Nex?

With considerable dismay, she became aware of the impact of her own emotions. Raw anger clouded her judgement and thought processes so greatly that she almost felt a complete loss of control, as if she was becoming a different person — a person that she did not want to be.

Even now, she battled with the door in her mind. It would be so easy to cross to the other side — become one with her surroundings — and scan the area, a mile in all directions. But she knew the dangers of willingly and fully conceding to the power that lay within her mind. Each time, she risked losing sight of the doorway. She’d lost it once, long ago. And nearly again, after the battle with Wendell.

So entranced by these thoughts, Zoey did not observe the man — who carried a container in his one arm — approaching from the north.

“Just the person I was looking for!” the man called out, smiling from ear to ear.

Zoey blinked a few times and, as recognition dawned, broke into a run. “Patch!” She threw her arms around him, pinning the arm with a tupperware container to his side.

“Hey, careful now! I’m still healing and — “

Zoey only pressed her cheek against his shoulder. Her voice hitched as she released all the emotions she was feeling since last night. “Patch, I...I was so worried. They poisoned you, and then you were gone and —”

“Hey, it’s OK.” Patch awkwardly returned the hug while keeping the container upright. “I’m sorry, I should have waited for you to awaken. I just wanted to surprise you, that’s all.”

Zoey released him. “No, it’s not your fault. How are you feeling? I’m so sorry they…” Zoey’s hand covered her mouth; she could not stop the tears from falling.

Patch set the container down and brought her in for another hug. “It’s fine, Zoey.” Then he whispered into her ear “Trust me, I’m going to be OK.”

Something about the certainty in his voice helped calm her. Was it possible for him to heal through this, to actually regrow an entire organ? Maybe he really would be OK…

“You know, a very nice lady gave us some food and said we should eat it while it’s hot.”

Zoey pulled away and frowned. “Lady? What lady?”

Patch laughed. “You know, you’re very cute when you frown. I’d try to kiss you now but I’m afraid we may have to wait on that for a few days.”

Zoey’s frown disappeared but she still looked at him questioningly.

“Her name was Madison, she works for Pennyworth and insisted that I take some of her cooking to you.”

Zoey felt herself visibly relax at mention of the name. Bespectacled with olive skin and curly black-gray hair, Madison had tracked Pennyworth’s inventory for as long as the tribe existed. She always prepared something hot for Zoey when she returned from Pennyworth’s assignments.

Still, why did I react that way?

Zoey started to crack a smile. “If I didn’t know you better Patch, I’d think you were trying to make me jealous.”

Patch laughed again. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist. Forgive me?”

“We’ll see. That might depend on the surprise you mentioned.”

Patch bent down and retrieved the container. “You’ll need to wait until tomorrow to see that, but I think you’ll be pleased.” Patch started walking westward. “Now follow me! A friend of mine told me about a place by the creek, good for a picnic.”

“Here, give me that.” Zoey wrestled the container from his grip and interlocked with his now free hand. “And what’s this about another friend already? What exactly did you do this morning Patch?”

Patch chuckled and started explaining his morning while they continued walking. Zoey paid careful attention to the details, fascinated by his view of the town she’d known for so long, but more than that, enthralled just to be walking with him. The perils of tomorrow seemed so very far away.

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