Chapter 25

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Not until early afternoon did pangs of hunger threaten to interrupt the peace Patch experienced, that of simply walking with Zoey at his side. The sun’s radiance filtered through the trees creating an organic checker board of shadow on the grass and leaves below. From the corner of his eye, he stole glimpses of Zoey’s face and hair, dancing colorfully in the alternating light and darkness.

They’d walked for a couple of hours since Greenville. Unfortunately Coco and Halcyon had not returned, leaving them not only without speedy transportation, but without their food and supplies. This, however, did not significantly diminish Patch’s enjoyment of spending time with Zoey.

Zoey suddenly said, “I guess you’re trying to tell me we should take a break sometimes soon?”

Patch blinked. They’d spent the last several minutes in mutual silence. “Eh?”

Zoey poked him in the stomach. “You didn’t hear your own stomach growling?”

Patch chuckled. “Well, I suppose it is past lunch time already.”

Zoey pointed. “There is a small highway up ahead. We’ll look for something around there.”

Patch felt the heft of the gun extending from his back pocket. With only five bullets remaining in the cylinder, he didn’t want to use it for hunting game.

After another minute of walking, Zoey spoke again, “Patch, do you ever get mad?”

Patch’s eyes widened a bit and he looked at her. “That’s an odd question. You’re kidding right? I mean I just shot a man in the leg a couple of hours ago.”

“Yes, that is true. But I didn’t sense you were truly angry, you just did what you had to do in the situation.”

“I shot that man out of desperation but also out of anger.”

Zoey hesitated. “OK. I don’t know. It’s just you always seem to do the right thing.”

Patch laughed. “Zoey, I’m not a saint.”

“No...I mean...I love that you do the right thing. I just worry sometimes. That sometimes I won’t be able to do the same…”

“Zoey, we talked about this. You don’t see yourself as I see you. What I see is a beautiful person, both on the inside and outside. You’re going to make mistakes, but I’m going to love you no matter what.”

Zoey smiled and squeezed his hand tighter. “I know. I guess I just like hearing it, that’s all.”

Patch considered for a moment. “You know, sometimes I worry too. That I’m not good enough for you. After all you don’t seem to realize how pretty and wonderful you are. Honestly, I have no idea how you are not already involved with another man. Even in this messed up world.”

Zoey smile broadened. “Patch, you definitely don’t need to worry about that. If you weren’t filled with radiation right now, I’d kiss you until you couldn’t breathe. I might even do that anyway, you say the sweetest things.”

She turned and gave him a soft kiss, though careful not to linger too long. She half smiled after pulling away. “I haven’t had many relationships, Patch. They usually ended after they saw the real me, and how dangerous I can be.”

“Is it bad that I’m jealous of these other men who met you before me?”

“Who said they were all men?”


Zoey laughed. “I’m only kidding!” After calming down, she said, “Trust me you shouldn’t be jealous, they were all assholes.” And after a few seconds, “Now my turn for a question. What about the women you saw before me?”

Patch grinned. “Well, as far as I can remember, there were none. Amnesia, remember?”

“Aww, that’s not fair!” Zoey punched him lightly in his good shoulder. Then more quietly she said, “I mean, what if your memory returns and you discover you’re in love with someone else from your past?”

Patch looked in her eyes. “Zoey, I’m not going anywhere. There is nothing that could destroy or overtake my feelings for you. Of this, I’m certain.”

Patch reached around her shoulders and pulled her against his chest. He said, “I’m not sure if I believe in fate, but I do believe that something larger than ourselves binds us together.”

She wrapped her arms around him and embraced him for a full minute before continuing the trek.

Patch said, “Now that it is my turn, one question I wanted to ask you but forgot. Did you do something to that arrow back there, when I was in the stream?”

“Yes, I blocked it.”

“I thought you said you usually don’t use your aspect in battles.”

“That is true, or it was true. Things are different now…”

“Well, thank you. But also promise me that you won’t do things that exhaust you or hurt you for my sake. I can handle myself pretty well you know.”

“I know. I just couldn’t stop myself from shielding you. You’re too important to me Patch, the only one who doesn’t see me as a monster or try to use me like a weapon. You see a side of me that I’ve only just begun to realize even exists.”

Patch spoke carefully, “Just understand that as much as you want to protect me, I want the same for you. So please try not to strain yourself.”

“I cannot make any promises like that Patch, but I can say that it wasn’t a strain. The fight with that creature several days ago was hard on me, but blocking the occasional arrow doesn’t require much effort.”

Patch laughed. “You make it sound like a toy nerf gun. Those were explosive arrows Zoey! How could that not have been a strain?”

“I don’t know, it just wasn’t. I still don’t fully understand my abilities or why some things are difficult and others are easy. I should practice using it more now that I have someone to help me who isn’t going to run away terrified.”

“I’m not running away, that much is true. But we may have to find some food soon or else I won’t be walking anywhere either.”

The stepped onto the deserted highway, no defunct cars in view from either direction. Zoey said, “Let’s take a look in that farm house across the street. Sometimes I’ve found some cans in places that the looters missed.”

Patch nodded and together they walked toward a single-floor white farm house on the other side of the street. They didn’t see the BEWARE OF DOG sign hanging aslant on one of the trees, but it wouldn’t have mattered. Normal dogs were the least of their worries at this point.

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