0;03 ♂ runny noses and not-exactly-right clubs

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‘in which your character accidentally checks out their best friend’
‘in which your character accidentally visits a gay club’

      THE NEXT DAY, everything was mostly back to normal. Steven’s mother still couldn’t completely face her son without either glowing or shooting confused faces. She had taken it fairly easy, saying she always had a little suspicion in the back of her mind, that Chris didn’t feel comfortable. She never thought of this kind of uncomfortable. Chris acted offended at her tone of knowing and crossed his arms, refusing to talk for at least five minutes. Steven and his mother had laughed it off and even Chris let a little smile slip, which made him even angrier.

Now it was morning again, and Steven lay in bed while his alarm beeped away next to his head. He stared up at the ceiling, eyes drooping until his alarm went off again. This repeated five times until finally Chris came walking in to smack the alarm off and smack Steven awake. He left a nice, red handprint on Steven’s left cheek. He groaned and mumbled incoherent morning words while he clambered out of his bed. He squeezed his eyes shut at the dizziness that overtook him when he stood up, and went to the bathroom, almost bumping into the wall.

Darren (06:21): u’re picking me up in 30

Steven (06:26): Why?  Practice doesn’t start until 8:30?

Darren (06:27): cause im bored and I want company.

Steven (06:28): But I just woke up.

Darren (06:28): so? just take ur clothes with you and change at mine

Steven (06:29): Remind me to never be friends with you anymore.

Darren (06:29): so u’re coming?

Darren (06:29): hehehe

Steven (06:30): Child. Yes, I’m coming.

Darren (06:30): yay!

Steven groaned and threw his phone on his bed, sitting down with his head in his hands. Why was he doing this to himself? He scratched his neck and squinted his eyes. Yesterday night, he thought, yesterday night was weird as fuck. What the hell is happening to me? He shook his head to rid it of the thoughts and checked the time. He was not gonna pick up Darren in thirty. That was way too little time. He put his phone down (again) and walked to the bathroom (again), stripping down to his boxers and impatiently waited for the water to heat up. He could see himself in the mirror, reaching all the way up to the ceiling, and looked his figure over. He poked his stomach to see his finger disappear in the slight tummy he developed over the summer. He poked his legs to see them jiggle, muscles not trained for three months. He poked his thin arms, his puffy cheeks. He poked everywhere and sighed, thinking about Darren’s words when  he stepped into the shower.

“I’ve noticed your tummy. You need the work-out. Gotta train off that vacation-fat.”

Steven sighed, looking down. He did have fat, but not that much. Not like that one kid in Science… Steven chuckled to himself, imagining the pudgy boy in his head. Thank god, he wasn’t like that. He quickly showered, washing his hair and humming to the beat inside his head. He couldn’t recognize the song, and he vowed to look up the small range of words he knew later. (It turned out to be a Taylor Swift song and Steven decided he was not going to let anyone know he knew that song.)

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