Chapter 7

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I opened my eyes slowly, my vision was blurry and the bright light above my head didn't help.

"Mom?.. What happened?"
I whispered, my head ache still was there but it felt better.
"You don't remember?"
I looked at her confused.

Then he walked in, Mr. Mysterious?why is he here? My mom started to explain.

"After you left school you apparently passed out in a random alley trying to take a short cut and luckily Mr. Storm lived near by that area so he saw you on his route home, and immediately took you to the Saint Baren hospital where they contacted me"

My mom worked at this hospital and I have been here a lot as a kid when my mom couldn't find a babysitter, being a single mother and all, so growing up I was well known by all the doctors, nurses, and patients. Explaining why they were able to identify me and contact my mother, that made sense to me but Mr. Mysterious didn't live in that area, he lives over by the flower shop in the apartment complex, which is pretty far from where I was found, at least a 35 minute walk, it would be easier,and quicker to ride the bus.

"You really don't remember? "
"No... I don't"
.... and the worst part is I can't remember what happened and how I ended up in the alley way... Why was I there. Why didn't I just go home. I could have saved my mom from a expensive hospital bill, I could have saved her from worrying about me, and I could have stopped her from wasting tears.
My mom looked worried, and stood up, her blue eyes looking glassy, mom don't cry, I wanted to comfort her but I couldn't hug her or speak more then a couple words it hurts to much, but it hurt more to not help her.
"Mom.... "
She shaked her head, and smiled at me, brushing my blonde hair out of my face.
"I'm going to go talk to the doctor I'll be right back, get some rest"
"O.. K... "
My mom turned towards the door her brown hair swaying as she walked.

Mr. Mysterious sat next to me.
"How are you feeling? "
He asked playing with his bright fire truck red hair. Clearly nervous.
I glared at him, I wanted to yell, I don't know it's not like I feel like I'm going to die at all. But instead I simply said
He stopped playing with his hair and stood up to be closer to me.
I blushed slightly.
"W.. What.. Are.. Y..??"
He placed his hand on my forehead.
I felt my breathing stop as he smiled and removed his hand.
"Well I'll be back tomorrow, will you wait for me?"
"I can't exactly go anywhere"
He laughed and waved goodbye as he left the room.
I couldn't help but to smile as I thought about his cute smile.
After a while I fell asleep.

           To be continued........

*author reading her older chapters*
"Wtf?! Did I not proofread this"

I fixed my old chapters, well I tried, I'll get someone to look over it,

Thank you for reading!

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