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A/N Hello Humans I am back, this is still based on Skye's past but it will move a bit quicker almost like scenes just flashing by but will end somewhere near where I will start it off. Also I drew a quick sketch of Skye/Midnight hope it doesn't suck

Also I forgot to mention this before because I'm bad at remembering stuff but, Aunt May doesn't know that Peter is Spider-Man yet....
Ok byeeeeeee

Skye's POV




Slowly I open my eyes. I was in a room almost like a hospital room but much less welcoming.

"Hello Little Wolf" That voice, it was the same one echoing through the walls of my prison, it was so familiar, almost comforting yet sinister.

"W-wolf?" I said slightly stuttering. Looking around scared out of my mind.

"Oh yes, you will be our Wolf, our asset" the same voice flowed through the room, somehow making me feel like curling up and going to sleep and being on guard against something evil. "But you will need training, come"

I didn't want to go anywhere with this strange man. I wanted my Dad, though he had sometimes seemed distant he cared for me and my sister. My sister! "A-Ally" I stutter out trying but failing to sound brave "Where is she!" I say, my strong voice even surprising myself.

"Your sister, ah yes, she was... disappointing she is longer with us' The voice said though it seemed that there was some strange underlying sympathy.

"Well sir there is still more to do" another voice said off to my left.

"Alright, goodnight my little wolf. The voice said as I feel suddenly very tired as darkness clouds my vision I fall unconscious.

Next Scene (Skye is 13)

3rd person POV

"Ok PM8647" The same voice that had tormented her for so long came through the small slitted hole at the top of the small cell she had been forced in.

"Your mission today will not be in the training room" The voice continued as Midnight lifted her eyes (A/N they told her that her name was Midnight after they brainwashed her)

"Today your mission will be in the real world-" There was a shuffling sound as if the man was grabbing something "- and if you dare try to escape us" Suddenly a sensation filled her, painful and terrible. A shock ran through her body making it stiff for a second.

"Got it" The voice said before footsteps made it apparent he was leaving.

Next Scene (On the mission)

Skye/Midnight's POV

Wind rustled my hood, a mask covering my mouth as my black bulletproof armour scratched against my already scarred body.

It was dark as I ran across the rooftops (A/N sorry I do not live in New York, much less the US so idk if you could actually do this or not I just thought it would look cool)

Carefully I lept from one building to another, looking for my targets house, I can feel the knives strapped to my wrists that I can flick out at a moment's notice.

I spot my target, a man walking on the street he seemed to be looking for someone.

Ben Parker was his name I was meant to take him out tonight apparently he had found something out about Hydra (A/N sorry if you are getting tired if these but ya, I thought this is how Ben would die so pretend that this is how it happened, okay)

I followed him from the rooftops of stores I saw my chance and jumped down and flicked out my knives which fit perfectly in my hands I plunged one knife into his stomach his eyes looking at me with pure fear.

Before too many people noticed I climbed up the building next to me using retractable claws that were hidden in my gloves.

I watched from above as a boy about my age ran out of one of the stores nearby and ran towards the man. I watched as he ran past the crowd that had gathered yelling that he was the man's nephew

I suddenly felt a feeling blossom up inside of me, I couldn't name it but it what I just did wasn't right....

Then I hear the man in my ear, "PM8647 back to base" before I lept from the building's roof to another.

Next Scene (Last one)

3rd person POV

Door slamming the man walked in, and for the first time Midnight could actually see what he looked like other than his hoodie pulled over his eyes and shrouding his face in darkness.

"PM8647 your performance tonight was exceptional I will expect you to maintain this level of success" He says, then he lifts his hands up and takes off his hood.

Midnight looks horrified by what she sees.

No. No. No! No!

A/N if you wanted to know PM8647 is the code name for Skye and it stands for
PM- Project Midnight (what the tests they ran on her were called)
8- The age they took her at
647- That is what time they finished the tests on her and she became the Wolf, 6:47.

Also I'm sorry this took a while as I said before, I went camping so no WiFi but from now on I will probably be able to update.

I'm sorry if it seems I'm rushing the story line a bit, I'm just trying to get to the main story and kind of quickly skip through a bit of background.


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