Back in a black room again

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Skye's POV

I sat down on the grass, looking upon the Avengers in the distance, flying everyone out. I wonder when Tony will come back to bring me to join them-

"Well well what do we have here?" I jumped up and twirled around. "Our target, just sitting around in the open, with no evident defense!" There were 2 men walking towards me. They had a black jacket and blue jeans that..? A t-shirt, with the Hydra symbol. I swore under my breath as I slowly backed away.

"It's no use. You could never run fast enough." I glared and took my chance to bolt away. I look over my shoulder to check where the men were at, to see them taking out the same gun Sir Stone had...with the same nettles with the same pinkish gas! I can't be hit with that!

Suddenly, I felt something pierce into my upper arm. Letting out a yelp of pain, I tripped and fell down the hill. Then darkness slowly clouded my vision.

I opened my eyes. Or, I think I opened my eyes. I felt extremely out off place, as if I wasn't even myself anymore, but someone I was just the air surrounding me...

I was tied down on a steel chair, with steel armlets, wrist-lets, waist-lets, leg-lets and ankle-lets. I couldn't move a muscle. Then I noticed something which made me surprised I hadn't noticed it before! I had a blurry vision of...myself. It was like a 3-d theater place, but I was watching myself. I was still lying down on the grassy hill, with the nettle still stuck in my upper arm. Wait...but then who am I? If I am there, then where am I? There can't be two of us, can there?

"Ah, I see you're awake." A voice echoed in the black room, as if was bounced around the walls.

"You must be very confused. I will explain. The pink gas that you were pierced with completely controls you. You have no control of your real body anymore. Your 'brain' part of you is in this black room, but your 'physical' part of you is in the real world, being controlled by Hydra."

All I could was stare at the ground, letting his words sink in. Was he being serious, or was this just another mind trick, to transport me back to Hydra as their asset once again? I felt my hand tighten the end of the chair where my wrist was tied. If what he was saying was true, then they would send my physical form off kill the Avengers! I need to get out...

"You might be thinking of a way to escape. Well, there is, in a matter of a fact, a way to escape.  All you have to do is..well, leave. Get beyond the dull screen of yourself, and you're golden! Though it won't be easy." He took a break to do a small evil chuckle.

"Of course as you know, you are tied down to a steel chair. Steal isn't all that easy to break, if you were wondering. Not only that, but as you are sitting there, you will start to feel very tired. Since your 'brain' isn't being used by your physical form, it will feel the need to go to sleep. The longer you sleep, the harder it will be to wake up, and therefore to leave. So...good luck. You will need it." Another small laugh, then the voice drained from the walls of the black room. If it even had walls. Whatever, I need to get out of here before they do anything bad with my physical body!

I looked up at the video of myself to see my slowly, almost robotic-ally, get up. Then the man that seemed in charge out of the 2 started talking to 'me'. 'I' nodded, and started walking towards the Stark Tower, once again very robotic-ally. Wait. The Stark Tower! So they are sending me to the Avengers!

But before I could think about this anymore, my mind started feeling very fussy. 

Oh no.

I could feel myself slowly shutting off. No, I can't go to sleep. It will be harder for me to escape, so I can regain control But obviously I wasn't listening to myself, because I could feel my mind clouding more and more. My eyelids were feeling extremely heavy, my head drooping down...NO. I shook my head viciously, forcing myself to stay awake. I looked back up at the screen. I was approaching the Stark Tower. I didn't have much time. 

I was drifting in and out of consciousness. I tried whacking my head against the right chair arm, but then quickly remembered that is was steal, and was gifted a bruise on my forehead. 

It can't end like this. I can't do this, I can't fail the Avengers.

I can't let that stupid pink gas determine my actions!

The Avengers will think I went rouge on them.. 

I can't...

I won't...


 But yet there I was, snoring loudly, a little drool leaving my mouth. (A.N- *Very slow clapping*. Good job Skye.)

Tony Stark's POV

"Ok, is everyone out safely?"

"Yup, believe so. We opened all the windows to let out the gas. It should drift upwards if you are worried about it getting close to civilians." Captain America said, as the rest of the others filed out of The Tower.

"Wait, where's the other kid? Uh, Skye?" Black Widow asked, scanning around through the people.

"Oh, I flew her out into a field at the outside area of the city. Good thing to, she was nearly dead by the time-"

"YOU WHAT!?" Black Widow exclaimed, jumping off the rock she had been sitting on.

"Wha-" I started.

"You put one of the Hydras main targets in the middle of nowhere with no parental defense?!

"Oh." I muttered as her words struck me. But as if I would act as if I lost, so I said, "I'm sure she's fine. Speaking of which, I'm going to go get her."

I turned to head out, but to my surprise, Skye was walking right over!

"See what I told you? She's fine." I said as I looked over my shoulder to the Avengers. Black Widow just rolled her eyes. I looked back, but I saw that she had stopped, a short distance away.

"Something wrong?" I asked, slightly puzzled. Something was wrong.

Then she grabbed something from behind her, in her back pocket. A-a gun?? With more pink gas nettles? Then she raised it up and I thought I heard her mutter, "Bang, bang," before she full on charged towards us. 

Ooooo things getting interestin' 

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