Chapter 3

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"Where the hell have you been all day?" My dad greeted me.

"I'm not in the mood dad," I muttered and dropped my backpack on the floor.

"I was looking everywhere for you!" He yelled.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm sure you were dad. I was at this place called school," I said aggravated.

"Oh yeah? Since when does school end at 5 o'clock? And who was that boy that dropped you off?"

"Well today it did because I had to stay after. I got in a fight, and that was Connor," I explained.

"Another fight? And Connor? Stay away from him." My dad warned. I looked up to say no but I noticed someone else in the house.

It was the fighter from yesterday.

"Who is this?" I asked calmly.

"This is Carter. He's moving in with us."

"What, why?" I asked in shock.

"He doesn't have a place to stay right now. He's one of my students. You two have met before right?" My dad said.

"Not really." I answered.

Carter stood up from the table and walked up to me. He stuck out his hand for me to shake.

I shook it.

"I'm Skylar," I said. He nodded.

"Maybe I can give you some fighting lessons. That black eye looks rough," he said in a joking but rude tone.

"No thanks," I said with a fake smile.

"Well sit down kids. Lets have some dinner, I cooked." Dad said, clapping his hands together.

"That's a first," I mumbled.

I sat down, the Carter guy was directly in front of me. He had short black hair and piercing blue eyes. He could be a model honestly, but he's too old. And he's mean. And I like Connor. A lot.

"Oh pizza," I said bored as he sat it in front of me. It's not like I've eaten pizza four days in a row or anything.

"So, what girl did you fight this time?" Dad asked. "And why?"

"Um, it was a guy. And he was being a dick, so I pushed him and he hit me,"

"How old was this kid?"

"Uh, I don't know. 16 I guess," I said shrugging.

"What do you think about that, Carter? You got someone's ass to beat tomorrow on your first day of school. Can't be letting guys hit your sister like that," my dad said loudly.

I rolled my eyes, "Dad, shut up."

"She's not my sister." Carter said blankly and stood up and left the table.

Dad watched him quietly as he walked away with the pizza into the guest room.

"What's his problem?" I asked annoyed.

"He has a rough family life, his sister died at a young age. He was kicked out the house a couple months ago," Dad explained.


"He was getting in trouble with the law a lot. And he just turned 18."

"You're letting a criminal live with me?" I asked in disbelief. "And since he's 18, why's he going back to school. Shouldn't he have graduated?"

"He dropped out at 16."

"Oh. Great," I mumbled.

"Skylar, be nice to him."

"Fine." I said and stood up from the table. I walked past the guest room and into my room then locked the door.
I turned on the CD player and put the MMLP album in. The song "Kill You" by Eminem blared through the speakers. I hope Carter likes rap 'cause he's gonna be hearing a lot of it.

"TURN THAT DOWN!" My dad yelled from the kitchen. I smiled, I love pissing him off. He hates rap.

I started to sing along with the lyrics to annoy him more.


I bursted out laughing and laid down face first on my bed. I winced when my eye came in contact with my pillow. It really hurt.
That's so embarrassing. I can't believe I got beat up. And by Jay. He sucks at fighting. I'll get payback tomorrow. Maybe.

"Wake up."

"C'mon get up"

"Kid, c'mon. You gotta get to school!"

"Ow!" I yelled as I fell on the floor. "What the heck, dude!" I looked up and saw Carter looking down at me.
"We're leaving in 30 mins," he said.
I crawled back in bed and pulled the covers over me. I was only wearing a tank top and shorts.
"How long do you think I need to get ready?" I mumbled.
"Um, I don't know," Carter muttered and scratched his head.
"Like, ten minutes." I answered.
"Oh. Okay," he said and walked out of my bedroom door.

I put on some leggings and a matching shirt, along with combat boots. I tried to cover up my black eye with make up, but it's still pretty noticeable. I walked out the door and grabbed my backpack off the floor. I saw Carter sitting on the couch, playing with his phone.
"Um, do you know where my dad is?" I asked.
"Uh, no. He went somewhere last night." He answered awkwardly.
"Oh. Okay." I said and followed him outside.
"I like your car," I said as he walked toward his mustang.
"Why are you following me?" He turned around and asked rudely.
"Um, aren't you driving me to school?" I asked quietly.
"Can't you drive yourself?" He asked.
"Uh, no. I don't have a car..." I mumbled.
He sighed. "Fine. Get in."
Five awkward minutes later, we arrived at the school.
"You want me to show you around?" I asked.
"Okay.." I mumbled and walked away.
I walked to my first class and sat in the desk. I was one of the first ones there for once.

A beeping noise came from the announcement speakers. "Skylar Mathers report to the office please, Skylar Mathers." A female voice spoke.

"Shit," I mumbled, louder than intended. My day already sucks. The few people that were in there snickered at my language, while the teacher sitting at his desk gave me a displeased look. I can't remember a day that I stayed in class a whole period. Without being called to the office.
I opened the door to the classroom and turned around and faced the class. I stood in the doorway with a smile. "I knew one of these days they'd catch me drug dealing in the hallways," I announced dramatically, joking around. The class laughed and Mr. Terry, a bald headed middle aged dude with glasses, glared at me.
"Ms. Mathers, office now."
"Okay, okay," I said putting my hands up in defense and walked out the door.
I've been to the office so many times, I know how many footsteps I have to take to get to there from all of my classes. 1st period, 127 footsteps. 2nd period, 204. 3rd period, 256 4th period, 401.

124..125..126..127..128..129...130. At the office door. Did I say 127? I meant 130.
The door made a creaking sound as I opened it. A blonde haired woman was on the other side, trying to exit the office. Bragging her son behind her by his ear. I held the door open for her and moved out of the doorway.
"Excuse me," she said as she walked by.
I caught a glimpse of Quentin as his snobby tall high class mother continued to drag him. He must of got in a fight again.
"See ya later, Curly Q," I said loudly smirking at him and waved. We call him Curly Q because of the mop of blonde curls on the top of his head. He needs a haircut.

"Ah, Skylar," the lady at the desk spoke. The first couple of times I came here, she called me "Ms. Mathers." Now she's so used to me she calls me Skylar. Sometimes Sky.
"What I'd do this time?" I asked. She smiled. "This time, I honestly don't know." I nodded my head and sat down at the nearby bench.
"Skylar, follow me. We need to have a serious talk," Mrs. Richards, the school principal came into view.
"Um..okay," I mumbled and hesitantly followed her into her little office. She closed the door behind me.
"Have a seat, Ms. Mathers. This is going to take a while."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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