The Real Reason You Procrastinate (It Has Nothing to Do With Self Control)

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Welcome to the first chapter  of the book Releasing Fear, Embracing Life!

It's all about Conquering Your Mental Blocks and Making Them Work For You! 

So before we dive head first into the world of limiting beliefs, mental blocks, insecurities and 'negative energy', let's first talk about the thing that spawned all of them in the first place *drum roll please* your end goals.

But first ... let me know if this situation has ever happened to you...

You're super excited about a desire, a goal or an idea you have and honestly it's the best idea in the world to you and everything is going amazing in your head and this thing is making you feel so happy, excited and joyous.

Then, just as you're in the process of conceptionalising it, you start thinking of all the ways this amazing thing is going to crash and burn and take you down with it.

(Dramatic I know, but am I lying?)

"What if I do this and then it totally blows up in my face and I've already sank all of this time into it?"


You think about all the reasons why it's dumb AF.

"But I mean, who would want this's fun for me, but maybe the world isn't ready for this?"


You think about the fact that if you somehow do actually bring this thing into existence, then it'll be too good to be true, the other shoe will drop and ruin everything.


You thing that this amazing thing holds the power to change your life too drastically and you're not sure you're even ready for all of that just yet.

"If this worked out, it would be so freaking awesome! 

My life would be so much better, but God I would be so crushed if something happened to take this away or what if it changes my life so much and then it just stops working? I'd be devastated!"

Or maybe you feel all of these things and it's stressing you out, because, we're multi-capable like that lol.

Sounds at all familiar?

Ok and then there is that feeling in your head, where all of these challenging and doubting thoughts begin to swirl around, making you feel foggy, tired and ready to bury the idea into the deepest recesses in your mind, * insert shifty smile* for safekeeping obvs.

Followed closely by the pain in your chest- a kind of hollow feeling – a pang of loss as you bury the idea/ dream/desire even further and mourn the death of what would have been a really good thing, had those thoughts not come and crashed the creative party.

*Let's have a moment of silence of this once amazing idea- gone to rest way too soon*

Now instead of thinking about the awesomeness of your idea, dreams, desires, etc enter self sabotage, fear, desperation and anxiety.

And they crowd up your mind and replace the joy, happiness and excitement you once felt, while dragging you down, down, doowwnnn into deepest abyss ...if we allow them to.

And if you do allow the limiting beliefs to take over, then, even when you want more, even when you're fighting the good fight and meditating, and journaling and trying to get your head on right and be that progressive bad-ass you know you can be....nothing great happens.

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