I Hate you...Now Kiss Me

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Chapter 1

"Come On Melody! We haven't got all day!" My mother shouts at me. I sigh, waiting for the harsh words to follow them. "I don't even know why you take that long, it’s not like you can fix that ugly face of yours anyway." There it is, I sigh to myself; that's my mum for you.

She hates me. Like literally. Everything I do is wrong in her eyes. I am not pretty enough to belong in her family and she doesn't fail to tell me that every chance that she gets. And do you know what the funny thing is? I'm actually starting to believe her?


Knowing that she will be true to her word, I race down the stairs as fast as I can. "I'm here. I'm ready." I say, my breath coming out in pants.

"It’s about time." She snarled at me looking me up and down with disgust. “How the hell can you still look that bad and have taken that long to get ready?” I look away fighting the tears that threatened to pour. Even though she has been saying stuff like this for the past 16 years it still hurts every time.

“Erm…” she cuts in before I can say anything.

“Do you dress like that to make a show of me on purpose? Haven’t you humiliated me enough by making me let you live with me?”

I can’t help but roll my eyes at how she makes everything about her. I didn’t notice that she had seen me roll my eyes until I heard the deafening crack of her palm hitting my cheek.

My eyes start to water at the sting left behind by her palm. “Don’t you dare show me such insolence you little bitch! After everything I have done for you.” That’s another thing about my mum; she makes everything about herself. But there is no point in fighting her because she will only hit you twice as hard.

“I-I’m s-sorry, I didn’t mean it. I promise it will never happen again.” I try to stop the tears from falling because that will only give more satisfaction.

“Ugh, just get in the car before someone sees us together. And don’t forget, to make sure that all of my luggage gets in the car, even if we have to leave some of your stuff behind. And don’t ruin any of it or your dead.” With a flip of her hair she gets in the drivers seat in our car and starts the engine.

I feel like Cinderella but I know my prince charming won’t come to rescue me.

“Took you long enough.” My mum huffs as I scramble into the car red faced from the short exercise of lifting her bags into the car. I mutter a short sorry and then we are on are way, to a new town and hopefully a new life.

“Oh my god, would you just wake up already!” My mum continues to poke me. I sit up straight away and look around to see were we are.

“Welcome to Stranswood.” Where is Stranswood?

“Where exactly are we?” I ask because it looks like we’re in the middle of no where.

“Just shut up I’m trying to concentrate on driving.” She says exasperated at me.

More like she was trying to concentrate on putting on her lipstick. I tried to hold back a snort knowing that she would hit me again and I had enough abuse for the day.

So I mutter a sorry. And keep my eyes out of the window as we drove into town. I caught some local people eyes, wow everyone was beautiful. Must be something in the water, I’ll need a bucket of that.

I caught some of their eyes and was shocked that some of them glared at me and one lad actually flipped me off!

“Did you just see that?!” I practically screeched at my mum. “See what?” she sighs like talking to me is such a bother. “That lad just flipped me off!” I am still so shocked at what just happened.

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