Chapter 2

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"(Y/N)? Wake up" Kenny said, waking you up. 

You groaned as you wake up "What happened, Kenny? Is everything alright?" you said as you jumped your bed worried.

"I'm alright. I just wanted know if you were okay. I heard you cry last night" he said hugging you.

"I'm ok. I just had a nightmare" you said pausedly shocked.

"Aww! Isn't that sweet of you! He really tells the truth. You are the best sister he can have!" said Laughing Jack, sitting on the corner of your bed. 

You yelled "What the he- HELLO KITTY! Yeah... I gotta change my Hello Kitty pajamas, Kenny. Why don't you go freshen up;go downstairs, watch TV for a while and I'll serve you breakfast... whattaya say?"- you nervously smiled. 

"Alright!" he said leaving your room running. 

You closed the the door and glared at Laughing Jack "What the hell?!" 

"What? I was telling the truth about what Kenny said about you" 

"No no no no no! This is just a dream. I'm still in a dream... or in a Twilight Zone...? Yeah. Where's the guy that looks like Hitler!? " 

"HEY!! Calm down!" he said as he threw at you a bucket of cold water. 

You gasped "Wha- WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" 

"You better stop freaking out and open your eyes, damn it! This is real. I'm real, little girl. And I'm real 'cause you little brother 'imagined' me. But I came here when you imagined me, ok?" 

You were awestruck. "Imagined you?"-you thought.

You sighed "Alright. First, pay attention to lil' Kenny; then I'll deal with you." "You got it, babe!"- he said as he slapped your butt. You started to throw a punch at him, but he disappeared and you hit yourself wit the wall. 

"AHH!! OW! OW! OW! OW! SON OF A BITCH!!!"- you yelled painfully. "You gotta be quiecker than that, (y/n)" Laughing Jack said while he ran away. 

You groaned "This'll be a long weekend"

As you changed, you put on your (f/c) shirt and some jeans. You went downstairs and see Kenny watching Adventure Time with the bastard who threw at you a bucket of cold water and slapped your butt. You sighed. 

"Alright, Kenny, what do you want for breakfast?" - you asked. 

He said cheerfully "BLUBERRY WAFFLES!!" "You got it!"

~(Y/N)'s P.o.V~

As I was making the mix for Kenny's waffles, I froze for a moment. 

"I gotta ask him... Kenny?" 


"How does Laughing Jack looks like?" 

"Well, he is a clown. He is tall; much taller than Batman. Long, Black Hair. He has bandages around his tummy. Has black and white feathers in his shoulders. Hmmm... what else? Black and white sleeves, and his socks too. And he has these long fingernails that looks like claws." 

"Excuse me, but... THESE ARE CLAWS!!!" he yelled. 

"Oh! Almost forgot... he have white piercing eyes. A swirly, pointy, coned nose. And he have this smile with sharp teeth" Kenny said as he described Laughing Jack "(Y/N)!! THE WAFFLES ARE BURNING!!!" he yelled. 

I panicked and turned off the stove for a moment. 

I sighed "Sorry about that, Kenny." 

After Kenny described me about him, I barely moved. I was speechless. 

"So the clown was telling the truth" I thought. 

I gave Kenny's waffles and the clown appears. 

"OOH!! Can I have mine with chocolate chips?" he asked. 

"CAN IT, CLOWN!!"- I yelled. 

"What?" "N-nothing, Kenny"

You glared at the weird clown and just imagined him that you were stabbing him over and over again until he was dead, but you realized that he's the only friend Kenny has. So you had an idea to ruin his breakfast. "Here you go, Jack"- you said as you gave him his plate.

"Yay! You're the best, sweetie!" he said as he took a bite of his waffles. You gave him the burnt waffle you burned a while ago. And you see him eat joyfully his burnt waffles. 

~Laughing Jack's P.o.V~

I was eating my chocolate chip waffle, made by my sweet and sexy (Y/N). I felt a strange way in my stomach. I look at (Y/N) with an evil smile while she smirks. 

"What did you put on the waffles?" I said as I hugged my stomach. 

She laughed "Oh, nothing. I gave you the waffle I burned a moment ago. It was a shame to throw it to the trash, so I put some cholate chips on top and gave it to you... sweetie." 

I groaned 'cause of the pain. 
"You are mean!"

She pulls me towards her, feeling her warm body. 

"That is for the bucket of cold water and for slapping my butt." 

Her (e/c) eyes were shining. (Y/N) was beautiful. The bad thing is that... she doesn't remember me.

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