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It was yet another day of school, and Max was just like every other student in her class, waiting for the bell to ring so they would finally go back home.

She was carefully watching the clock. Three more minutes and the bell will ring for god's sake. After what felt like hours of Max concentrating on the clock instead of the lesson, the bell finally dismissed them. She jumped up from her seat, carried her books carelessly and ran out of class like everyone else.

Max was walking back home when she felt like she needs some ice-cream. Luckily enough for her, the ice-cream store was close. As she was approaching the store, she felt someone strongly bump into her and push her to the ground. She fell, groaning of pain.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" a very familiar voice asked breathlessly. "Did you get hurt? Here, let me- Max?"

Max looks over once she heard her name to see familiar boots and a crutch. She looks up to see the same curly haired boy from last night standing in front of her, wearing the same blue coat. "Freddy?"

He helped her up. "I thought I'd never see you again" she nervously revealed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear with her gloved hand. "Where's Billy?"

"He skipped school today, claiming he was 'sick'" Freddy replied after he caught his breath. It looked like he was running for too long, but as he looked behind Max, he turned pale.

"Uh- staying here is a pretty bad idea, so we should- consider leaving!" he said as he quickly grabbed her hand and limped away, dragging her with him.

He ended up aggressively opening the door to the ice-cream store. "WHAT were we running from? A super villain?" Max exclaimed, catching her breath as she sat on one of the tables. "Nope" Freddy chuckled, sitting in front of her "The Breyers"

"Oh my god" Max sighed "Well I was gonna get ice-cream anyways"

"What?!" Freddy yelled in shock "Ice-cream? In the middle of winter?"

"Yup. Which flavors do you want?" she asked.

"Nope. I'm gonna get sick!"

"Which flavors do you want, Freddy! For god's sake!"

"Psh, fine. Uh- chocolate and, I don't know, blueberry?"

"Oh my god, my favorite!"


"Give me yours and Billy's numbers, so we can stay in contact" Max said, licking her ice-cream as Freddy gave her his phone carelessly. She took out her phone and saved their numbers. "Did you tell anyone about Billy?" He asked, taking his phone back. "What? Of course not" she replied "Yeah don't tell anyone"

Max finished her ice-cream before Freddy. She wore her backpack and got up, heading to the door. "Come back! I didn't return the money? Like- you paid for my ice-cream I'm-" Freddy said, his voice getting louder and louder as Max walked away. "Goodbye, Freddy!" she cut him off, opening the door and leaving. "Wh- Max! I-I owe you!" he yelled, but it was useless.

He groaned, grabbing his crutch and pushing himself up. He quickly opened the door and limped towards Max. "Look, I don't have any money, but next time, I promise-" he says, trying to keep up with Max.

"You really don't have to, Freddy" she interrupts him.

Freddy lets out a sigh. "Flight or invisibility" he suddenly asks. Max thinks about it for a second. "Well, flight is obviously cooler 'cause heroes fly and all that, but I would prefer invisibility. It would be way easier if I disappeared and avoided trouble and stupid stuff" she replies. "Yeah, same!" he giggled.

On their way home, they talked about their favorite superheroes. They started childishly arguing which one's better until they reached Max's house.

"So, this is my house" the girl said, pointing at a nice, little house. "Are you kidding?" Freddy giggled "Mine is like four blocks away! You can come over sometime, I'll show you all my superhero stuff!" "Yes! That would be awesome" "Yup! So, I'll see you around, I guess" "See ya!"

The boy offered her a smile and continued walking back home. As Max got in, she saw Mikey in front of her. "Why are you late?" he asked in arrogance. "D- Uh, I was-" she stuttered. "You ate ice-cream? Without bringing me any?" he cut her of angrily "I'll bring you some next time, Mikey" she replied.

She says that every time she goes to eat ice-cream after school. This is probably the fifth time it happens, and she only brought Mikey ice-cream on the first time.

"You always say that, Maxie!" he exclaimed as Max's expressions softened. She bent down to him and ruffled his hair "Look, the money I had were only enough for me and my friend. Plus, it was cold outside, so I was afraid you're gonna get sick. I'll bring you next time, okay?" she calmly said, still ruffling Mikey's hair as he silently nods.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Word count: 826)

A/N: i bEliEVe iN yEsTeRdAy

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