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Izuku POV

I was coming back from my successful internship with the Pussycats. Well, more like eventful. We went to Hosu which was attacked by the League Of Villians with the Hero Killer, who me, Todoroki, and Iida took down. Then when we got back to the Pussycat's headquarters, a villian was trying to kill Mandalay's nephew, but I managed to defeat the villian and save the kid whose name was Kota.

Everything went good with the internships and I am in a good relationship with the Pussycats. So I get to my class and I see everyone facing me with an angered looked.

"Um guys , what's wrong?", I ask.

"Shut up you filthy traitor!", surprisingly, it's Uraraka he yells this.

I give her a confused look and ask, "What so you mean?".

Just then, Principal Nezu walks forward and explains, "Izuku Midoriya, their was video evidence that shows you in your hero costume stealing data sheets on your classmates two days ago."

I was dumbfounded, "I-i wasn't even here! I was at my internship!". "You can say that while you are in prison Titanius.", Principle Nezu says to me. Then, Mr.Aizawa says, "Me, Bakugou, Narusu, Iida, Tanachi, and Karino will i'm go to bring him to the jet that will send him to the prison." I said nothing as I got handcuffed.

When they were about to take me away, All Might came over and said, "I'm taking back what's mine." When he said that, I feel a power leave from me. He took One For all away. I was in tears as Mr.Aizawa and the others were bringing me away.

When we were a farther away from the class, Mr.Aizawa said, "Are they following us?". Iida then turned to look behind us, turn back and said, "No." Then Mr.Aizawa stopped which caused the rest of us to stop.

"Ok, listen here Midoriya", I was scared and braced myself for what was about to be said.

"We believe you are innocent.", Mr.Aizawa said. What? "W-what do you mean?", I ask Mr.Aizawa. "I mean what I say, I don't think you did anything wrong, you were at a completely different place from UA. Plus, you are really heroic Midoriya, it wouldn't make any sense for you to do this.", Mr.Aizawa said.

"Yeah!", Tanachi yelled out. "You put yourself in danger so many times just to save other people.", Karino said. "Like Aizawa said, it wouldn't make sense for you to do this.", Narusu stated.

"They are all right Midoriya, you have put your life at risk many times just to save others! You are a hero.", Iida says.

I then looked over at Kacchan with a questioning look. "I've known you the longest Deku. And even though I don't like you becoming a hero, I would be the one to know that you wouldn't do this.", Kacchan said.

I had tears in my eyes because of what they said, but then asked, "I-is their a-any other's that think I a-am, i-inocent?". "Yes, theirs Todoroki, Asui, Tokoyomi, and possibly even more.", Mr.Aizawa said. I smiled at what he said.

"Well, we've been here too long. Unfortunately, we cannot do anything for you right know, so you will be going to Titanius, I am sorry Midoriya.", I frowned at what Mr.Aizawa said and I did frown the whole way until we got their. "W-well, it l-looks like this i-is goodbye for know. I h-hope you all will do great while I-i am g-gone, goodbye.", I say this as I give them a sad smile as I walk into the jet.

I look back once more and try my best to wave bye to them before I leave. Then, completely out of nowhere, Narusu, Karino, and Tanachi yell, "We'll miss you Izuku!". They say this as they wave goodbye to me while the door to the jet closes. I am now off to Tartarus, the prison that holds some of the worst villians out their.

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