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"Hey hey. Beth. Hey Beth. Wake up. Beth." My sister... Insisted.. Sort of.
"Whhhaaaattttt?" I said, rolling over in bed.
"Happy birthday, bit- iot." Dora hesitated.
"Bitiot? Really?" I said, dragging myself out of bed and literally forcing my sister out of my bedroom cause I don't really want her to see me naked. We're not that close.

I opened my wardrobe and pulled out my Hogwarts robes, my first year at Hogwarts. The thought brought a light happiness to me. I put on my robes then sat at my vanity table.

I say vanity table but it's really only got a hairbrush on it and some bobbles and one or two headbands.

I picked up my hairbrush and started brushing my hair, all the time thinking of my future years at Hogwarts. Would I be the most popular girl there? Would I be the best at classes. Or will it be the possible option, being the girl that legit has one friend and is bullied by practically everybody?

Probably the latter.

Eventually, I decided to let my hair stay purple and my eyes still a soft hazel.

I ran downstairs to Mum, Dad and Dora, who were EATING CHOCOLATE PANCAKES WITHOUT ME. MUTINY!

Anyway... I stole the rest of the pancakes and stuffed them into my mouth, chewed them like, twice, and swallowed them. Which wasn't friendly to my digestive system, let me tell you.

Then I ran over to my presents and opened them all at once. I've got like.. Three presents. I mean, the only people I'm actually friends with are Mum, Dad, Dora and Dora's boyfriend, Charlie, who's probably gonna dump her for a dragon.

"Are you on drugs?" Dora randomly blurted out across the room, which, for some damn reason, made me burst out laughing. "I'll take that as a yes, then."

I turned back to my presents, which were: a pet pygmy owl from Mum and Dad, a book on simple yet effective pranks from Dora, and a 'how to train your dragon' handbook from Charlie. Obviously.

Ten minutes later Dora and I are apparating to platform 9 3/4 with our things.

I follow Dora to her friends (which is most of the Seventh years) and they're all treating me like a baby. How annoying is that?
"Aww she's so small."
FYI, I'm 5'5 and 12 years old.
"She'd better be a Hufflepuff."
Bitch, I'mma be a Slytherin.
After about fifty comments about how small and 'innocent' I am I honestly lose it.. Kind of.
"Any more comments about how small I am and I'll beat all your asses," I said. I'm actually quite tall for my age, meanwhile they're there at 5'7 at age 17. Oh and after that statement there's just silence in the group, "that's what I thought." I said, then sass walked off like a boss. Behind me, I hear one of Dora's friends comment on my ability to kick ass. Which is very high.

I sit in a compartment by myself cause I'm a lonley loser when two girls knock on the door.

One of them has platinum blonde hair, slightly wavy with cute ringlets at the bottom and grey eyes, whereas the other girl has auburn hair tied into two French plaits and baby blue eyes.

The first girl is wearing a white fur coat with black tights and blood red shoes, but the second girl is also wearing her Hogwarts robes already. I let them both sit in my compartment with me because why not and we get to know each other.

Oh and the train's started moving that's nice bye station.

"Hey," I say, "I'm Rennie Tonks, half blood."
"Olivia Willow, Muggle born." The first girl says.
"Charity Malfoy, pure blood." The second girl says.

Charity and I look at each other.
"Wow okay then." We say at the EXACT same time.
"Am I missing something?" Olivia says.
"Kind of. Basically, my Mum used to be Charity's Mum's sister, and they were part of a really proud pure blood family, the Black family. My Mum married a muggle born which is obviously a high dishonour to mega pure blood families so she got disowned." I say.
" Long story short, no marry muggle born, yes marry muggle born, adiós biotch." Charity says.

Renizabeth Andromeda Tonks  *~ON HOLD ~*Where stories live. Discover now