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"Ren! Where were you last night?"

I looked up. Liv and Charity sat down with me at the Slytherin table and they looked really.. How do I phrase this? Pissed. They looked really pissed.

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to not sound guilty. But lo and behold, my hair turned a mossy green.

Charity raised an eyebrow and grabbed some bacon "Seriously?"

"I was up until one in the morning waiting for you" Liv said. Yep. They're definitely pissed.

I quickly came up with a random excuse "this girl from Hufflepuff made me stay out a bit longer" thankfully, no black hair.

"Right..." Charity replied. I knew they were both extremely suspicious of me but at least I'd kept them at bay for now.

While we were eating breakfast, Professor Snape walked along the Slytherin table and handed out timetables. I just stuffed mine right into my bag without giving it the slightest glance.

"Double potions, history of magic, transfiguration and defence against the dark arts. Not too bad" Liv read.

"Liv, history of magic is the most boring class ever" I replied. Honestly, Dora always says how history of magic is the most boring class.


We sat down at the back of the dark, cold dungeon classroom before anybody else could. I heard a sneer from the front row.

"Harriet, what's that smell?" it said

"I think it's Mudblood, Ariana" a second voice replied. That reply was replied with lots of guffawing.

You're probably wondering who those two bitches are. They're Ariana and Harriet, from the not so noble and prejudice as fuck house of Black. They're the other two girls in our dormitory and they're so bloody annoying.

Like I said, they're prejudice. So they've got everything against anybody who isn't Pureblood and/or fully human. Lucky me.

I felt my hair go a reddish- yellow; protective.

"Oh shut up" I said.

There was a gasp from some of the class, some smirked others merely watched the shit go down.

"Oh sorry, what was that Tonks?" Ariana said sarcastically, turning round in her seat.

"I said, Black, shut up" I felt a boost of adrenaline go through me. Confronting people always made me feel like that.

"That's a bit rich, coming from somebody who's Father is a mudblood" Harriet said, also turning round to face me.

"If my Dad wasn't muggle born, and my Mum had married a prejudice prick like she was meant to, I would be like you two bitches and trust me, that would be one of my worst nightmares" I said. It's true.

Or is it? I am a werewolf after all, and they're just as worse as muggle borns in people like Harriet and Ariana's books. I would probably have been disowned anyway. But if what Mum says is true, the mansions that the pure blood prejudice picks live in are protected with every enchantment known to wizards. So I probably wouldn't, and I would be like Harriet and Ariana.


The twins scoffed and went red and the exact same time, which is really creepy and I've seen a lot of creepy shit.

Renizabeth Andromeda Tonks  *~ON HOLD ~*Where stories live. Discover now