First Day

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I woke up to the not so bright light of my dormitory in the dungeons. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Looking around, apparently I was the only person who'd actually woken up so far.

I managed to look over at Liv's watch, which read sevn thirty-ish, for I have been blessed with 20/20 vision. Nope, just joking, I'm blind. It's the werewolf I'm me that let's me see so well, but I like to pretend my vision's perfect.

I decided to go explore the castle a bit, students were allowed to do whatever today, since it was a Sunday. I got up and put on my casual muggle clothes, we didn't have to wear uniform on weekends, and got ready. Brushing my hair, putting my makeup on cause I bloody well need it even though I'm a metamorphmagus, meaning I could change my appearance at will.

Charity came into the washroom, where I was "h-h-hey" she tried to say while yawning. I laughed.

"Hey. What colour do you think I should do today? I could go tanned with red hair cause that would be so cute and-"

"Rennie! Oh my Merlin! Calm down!" Charity laughed "that was way too much to take in." I laughed too

"But what do you think?"

"Tanned and red hair? Nah. Tanned and dirty blonde hair? Yas"

"Yasssssssss. Honestly, never thought I'd be friends with a Malfoy."

"Wow rude. Wait, why you got makeup?"

"I need it."

"No you don't. You're a Metamorphmagus, first off. Second, you're really pretty anyway"



This nah-yah situation went on for about five minutes, before I reluctantly agreed with her and wiped my makeup off. Still going with the tanned- dirty blonde look.

"C'mon, let's go breakfast" Charity said, after I'd wiped my makeup off

"Just please don't let me run into my sister. She'll be well embarrassing" I begged to.. Somebody.. No idea who, just somebody.

"I appreciate that. If I had a sister she'd probably be a prejudice prick like the rest of my family, so I wouldn't want to run into her with you. No offense."

"None taken" I said, and walked with Charity to the great hall.

There are.. A lot of staircases at Hogwarts, walking along one, I spotted my sister with her friends, many of whom had been the ones who had called me small yesterday at the station.

Unluckily for me, Charity had forgotten something and had to run back to get it. I tried to sneak past the group but..

"Wotcher Beth!"

Annoyed, I stopped walking and turned around "Yeah?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Good sleep?" She asked

"Yes." I replied

"Why the red hair?"

Okay, I don't know if I already mentioned this but my hair changes colour according to my emotion. Right now it was a weak red, meaning I was ever so slightly annoyed. Why wouldn't I be, honestly?

"Oh, I don't know" I said "Maybe cause you're kind of annoying and embarrassing and all I want to do really is eat"

A few of her friends snickered at this mini speech, others just didn't react, and one or two's minds floated off into space. (If they were even there in the first place.) Dora didn't say anything, but she smirked, nope kidding.

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