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"HOW WAS YOUR SUMMER?" Harry asked as he walked [Y/N] to class. As soon as Harry approached, Michelle had made an excuse about needing to check into the library, leaving the pair alone. Their hands swung by their sides, brushing up against each other causing the pair to jump every time.

[Y/N] shrugged. "My summer was..." Was there even a word to describe her summer? "...interesting."

Harry raised an eyebrow at her, "how so?"

[Y/N] felt relieved at the fact that they'd reached the classroom, meaning she didn't have to answer. What would she say anyways? 'Yeah, I was practicing sex with my best friend. No biggie.'

"Careful where you sit," their teacher warned them, "because it'll be your seat for the rest of the year. Choose wisely."

Peter still wasn't one hundred percent used to his super hearing so loud places — such as this classroom — still drove him insane. It's like his sense were dialed up to eleven. Talk about sensory overload.

"Do you want to sit together?" Peter heard Harry asked. Slowly, Peter turned his head to see him talking to [Y/N].

He watched as a light blush arose on her cheeks and nodded profusely. He sighed as she slid into the desk beside Harry.

"Since when did [Y/N] and Harry Asshole— sorry Osborn hang out?" Ned asked, following Peters gaze.

The brunette boy shrugged, he didn't feel like talking about Harry and [Y/N]. "So, today we're going to just dip our feat into the wonderful world that is grade ten chemistry."

Peter found himself zoning out and staring at [Y/N] and Harry way too many times. Why were they sitting so close? It didn't matter — Peter needed to focus!

It felt like a millenia had passed before the bell rang, signalling it was time for their next class; history. It's not that Peter hated history, he just found it extremely boring.

"Hey," Peter said, jogging to catch up to [Y/N]. Her and Harry had parted ways as the blue eyed boy had geography rather than history. "What class do you have next?"

"History, you?"


"Cool, do you wanna sit together? I really don't wanna end up sitting with George." [Y/N] said jokily.

George was a kid who'd repeated Sophomore year at least three teams. He also had boundary and hygiene issues. Liz had warned them about him on their decathlon group chat. Apparently she had to sit next to him all through sophomore Physics and it was torture.

Peter felt bad for George. He was probably a nice guy — he just needed to shower more.

"Ladies first," [Y/N] joked as she held the door open for Peter.

"Ha ha ha." Peter says sarcastically, walking through the door.


"Man, I really thought you two would get together." Ned said to Peter, who was staring at [Y/N] and Harry. They were sitting at a table alone.

Peters turns to Ned, a frown on his face. "Why would you think that?"

Ned rolled his eyes. "Come on Peter. It's so obvious that you like her."

Peters eyes widened, shaking his head he replied quickly. "What— no I don't... I look at her like th—the close good friend she is," he rambled, his voice unusually high.

Ned raised his eyebrows. "You're a really bad liar, just saying."

Peter stayed silent for a moment. "Okay, maybe I like her. It doesn't matter because she doesn't like me back."

"You never know," Ned said optimistically, his eyes focused on [Y/N] and Harry. "They could just be really good friends too."

At that moment, [Y/N] rested her head on Harry's shoulder. "Yeah, just friends." Peter spat, suddenly not feeling hungry.

"Why don't you just date someone else — to get over [Y/N]?" Michelle suggested, causing both boys to jump.

"How long have you been there?" Ned demanded, clutching his chest.

Michelle shrugged. "Long enough."

"What do you mean date someone else?" Peter asked, "I don't know if you realised but there's not exactly hundreds of girls lining up to date me."

"Apparently Liz Allen thinks your hot — not sure why but she does. I heard her and Betty talking in the bathroom."

Peter and Ned stayed silent for a moment before bursting out laughing.

"Yeah, right!" Peter said between laughs.

Sure, Peter thought Liz was very pretty. There was even a time last year when he had a small crush on her. But [Y/N] was always there, taking up most of his mind.


WRITTEN 10/07/19
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