Chapter 11- Hayden + Aaron

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"Can I come in? It's 110 degrees out here, and for some reason Tank thinks I'm the only one you'll listen to!" Aaron is sweating through his t-shirt when I open the door.

"He sent you? Tank sent you?" I ask and wave him inside.

"Yep. He called last night and sounded like someone had beat him up pretty bad. I don't think he's ever called me. My parents were shocked! Your house is so cute! Your mom has serious style!" He follows me into the kitchen.

"Grab what you want, but the wine is my mom's and she'll notice if even a drop is gone," I tell him this as I open the fridge.

"Ho dude! You have soda pop? Definitely not Mormons! This is forbidden in my house." He squeals and grabs one of mom's coke zeros.

"It's just soda, nothing to bust a nut over," I joke. Aaron shoots me a glare then pushes his bleached hair out of his pretty eyes. 

"How are you doing? He told me what went down. He feels awful, Hayden. He said you'll probably never talk to him again. He thinks he seriously hurt you. Did he?" Aaron looks at me from behind his treasured can of soda.

"I'm ok. It hurts that he can't ever be out... and missing my birthday because of it! That was like a big slap in the face." I shake my head and pick at a loose thread on my shirt.

"That sucks. He did mention a free trip to California for your birthday? Hmm? Does that include your newest gay best friend? I am very good on road trips. I eat very little and I hardly ever need to pee!" Aaron fishes for an invite.

It's good to see him like this. He's happy and goofy. He reminds me of Jackson, the guy I dated who was too gay for my dad's approval. I wonder if I'll see him at my birthday.

"He begged me not to take you. I think he thinks you and me would end up doing things!" I laugh like this is completely ridiculous.

"Well since I'm here in an official capacity as Tank's ambassador I should probably agree, but dude!! Cali!!" He jumps like he just won a new car.

"Ok but you can't call it Cali, only tourists say that. It's a dead giveaway you're a total Zonie!" Zonie is the word people in SoCal use for the Arizona tourists that crap up our beaches.  They're as bad as the 909'ers (people from inland California who everyone in Orange County blames for crime and general debauchery).

"No Zonie here! I'll be on my best behavior. When do we leave?" Aaron demands.

"In two weeks, but you have to agree to some ground rules!" I have to prep him.

"Anything! I'll be your personal birthday assistant! I even have bow ties! Do you want rainbow or classic black?" Aaron lights up like a kid and it makes him so cute.

"Bow ties are excellent. You wear what you want! Rule 1 is don't piss off my mom. Just remember to nod and agree with whatever she says. If Lisa claims it's a Tuesday you do not argue. You nod and say, 'yep! Tuesday! Best day of the week!'"

"Lisa is goddess. Got it!" He holds up two fingers like he's a boy scout.

"Rule 2 is be yourself. Don't be vulgar or anything but you can totally rainbow out. Don't hold back. My friends will like you if you are authentic. Seriously. No hiding. No Mesa undercover. No blending in with the Mormons or straights. You be you. If anyone gives you trouble I'll cancel them hard. Got it?" I want Aaron to have the best weekend of his life.

If I'm going to be miserable and dejected from Tank withdrawal then the least I can do is make sure Aaron gets one long weekend to be what he feels.

"Twink's honor!" He holds up two fingers again.

"This sucks, dude. I mean not you! I'm happy you can go with us, but it's my birthday and I get dumped. I thought the next time I got to go home I'd have Tank there... or at least here waiting for me." I shake my head and pull the bowl of grapes out of the fridge.

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