Chapter 9- Tank You For Your Service

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Author's Note: This chapter is way too long and should have been two short chapters. Sorry! :) 



Friday morning my mom orders everything we need to setup the house from her computer at work in Tempe. My dad goes online and pays for it from Saudi Arabia, and Tank and I pick it up at the big Target in Mesa.

"This feels great," Tank says as we bring in the last bag from his car.

"You like bringing in bags in the hundred degree heat?" I laugh and search out the frozen things before my mom can text me again to get them into the freezer quickly.

"With you, I mean. It's so rare for me to be in a house without people running around making noise. It's only me and you here. We could be naked..." He proposes this with a raised eyebrow and bites his lip.

"Your mom or dad could walk in at any minute! They both have keys!" I remind him.

"Only shirts off then. Yeah? Mom's at a ladies lunch and dad's showing commercial properties in Union Hills so..." He starts to pull up his t-shirt. One look at his abs and that belly button has me popping in my shorts.

"We have to get this stuff put away. The movers are on their way and everyone will start showing up in a few hours," I say this, but I'm quickly drawn to him.

He lifts his shirt up and secures the edge of it between his teeth. Those green eyes widen when I pull my shirt up. He nods his head and his lips spread into a smile that brings out those deep dimples in his cheeks. He took his shirt off completely and we stared each other down.

Before I met Tank I'd never thought twice about going around shirtless, but things felt different here. Other than hanging out in his pool, I never saw any of them without full clothing. Here we were in the new kitchen putting away frozen foods with our shirts off and it felt really hot.

We fill up the refrigerator then put away the pantry items. We keep intentionally pushing against each other, it's not that small of a kitchen.

"Scuse me," he laughs and rubs a hand over my back as he reaches for the cans of peas.

"Oops, my bad," I cup his butt when I squeeze in behind him in the pantry to put packs of foil on a low shelf.

"Sorry, bud!" Tank pushes his shorts against my butt and this time he doesn't even have anything to put on the shelf. He pistons against me playfully then kisses between my shoulderblades.

"You're not even trying!" I laugh and turn to see his hands empty.

"I'm trying very VERY hard," he asserts and covers his zipper area with his hand.

"Dude! Let's go stock the bathrooms!" I shake my head and laugh. He's too cute for words.

We put toilet paper on every holder and soap dispensers at every sink and shower products in each bathroom and then put the cleaners away in a caddy for under the sink. Mom thought of everything we'd need here short of our furniture coming on the truck.

"What else do we do? We still have an hour or so," Tank says as we load the sheets and pillowcases into the washer. I put in the soap and he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

He presses his chest against my back and I know we need to figure something out. As cool as my mom is about me and who I am, she definitely would not be ok with the two of us playing around here. Plus there are his parents to think about.

...And just as I think about them we hear someone unlocking the front door. We look at each other and then he tears out of there and goes back to find his t-shirt on the kitchen counter. I follow and quickly dive into mine when his mom's voice surprises us.

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