Chapter 1

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"Come on Cici come with me this will be fun promise" Elle said earning a yeah right look from me.

"Cmon on you never want to do anything and I promised to make it fun" Elle said pouting, making me laugh still shaking my head no.

That look may work on other people but not me. I've had enough of doing things she thought was fun. Especially when I always end up being the one not having any fun.

"You said that the last time and that was a complete bust. My idea of fun is not flirting with everybody there in hopes of starting some drama" I said shaking my head no for the umpteenth time.

It's not that I didn't want to go it's just I simply wasn't in the mood. Every weekend since summer break Elle had been dragging me from one club to another. At first, I was okay with it feeling as if it was time for me to live a little but at this point I was starting to be over it.

Here I was at 21 years old and barely partied, not even in high school. Something that I was low key embarrassed about. It wasn't until I was 18 and in college when I finally stepped foot inside my first real party. My social life was nonexistent. I was more into my studies and books versus going out and meeting boys. One of the main reasons I was still a virgin. It wasn't like I wasn't interested because I was I just didn't think the guys I liked, liked me. I also didn't want to push anybody into sleeping with me, I didn't want anybody to have the wrong ideal of me.

It didn't make matters better when my dad moved us to an all-white town following the company he worked for. The owner of said company is Elle's dad. I was happy for my dad, he had been talking about that promotion for forever. I didn't want to rain on his parade by telling him I didn't want to move. Even though I didn't have much of a social life I did have some friends that I could relate to. High school in a new town was no walk in the park.

I stood out like a sore thumb being the only black person in the whole school, hell me and my Dad was the only black people I've seen this far in the whole town and we've been here for the past six years. I know what most people think but no there was no bullying or anything like that they just didn't talk to me. Which was torture all in itself. If it wasn't for Elle I would have gone all my high school years unnoticed.

I was always the weird quiet black girl who always had a book with her to read at all times meanwhile Elle was at all the parties and everybody knew her, not to mention she had a new boyfriend like every week. I was the person Elle called when she partied too much and needed a ride and the answers to the homework because partying was way more important than getting her work done. Like the good friend I was I never left her hanging. We were total opposites but she was the only person that even tried talking to me. I know it's because of our dads, even still I was happy to at least have one friend.

Sometimes I wished I was more like Elle, maybe just maybe I would have a man by now. At 21, I thought I would be a little more experienced with men, parties and what not but no. I an still that awkward high school girl who didn't know how to speak whenever boys are around. I've never had a boyfriend, or ever been kissed. My shyness always get the best of me. I just hoped this didn't go on too much longer, Im ready to experience all that life had to offer. At least I thought I was.

Which brings us to the point we are at now with Elle begging me to go to some party. According to her, it's not your typical party it's more "businessy", something my Dad put her up to no doubt. They both thought I needed to live more and study less. I say they need to mind their business but I would never tell them that. I know they are just trying to look out for me. Even though their ideas of looking out for me and mine are completely different.

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