Chapter 2

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Waking up the next day I felt extra deflated. I couldn't help but think that maybe if I wasn't acting all weird I could've been the one going home with Julian. I hated to sound so desperate but there was no sense in lying to myself. For a second there, I thought he was flirting with me but it was obvious I was reading more into it since he went home with Elle.

What an opportunity missed, now I was going to have to listen to Elle go on and on about it. Usually, I would be down with listening to Elle's sexcapades but this time was different. I found myself thinking about Julian all night to the point that when I finally fell asleep he was in my dreams. I couldn't believe how my mind wouldn't let me let it go, let him go. Usually, when men pick Elle over me it's whatever but this time for some reason I wanted him to pick me. I wanted Julian. Shaking my head at myself, I finally opened my eyes.

Wishful thinking I thought looking over to the clock. 9 o'clock and not a peep from Elle, her night must have been awesome. Of course it was look who she was with, I thought rolling my eyes. Huffing, it was time to get up and start my day. No need to lay around feeling pity for myself. Sitting up I pulled myself out of bed and dragged my feet to the bathroom to take a much-needed shower. All the sweating I did last night, tossing and turning had my skin feeling sticky.

After about a half an hour in the shower I was dressed and ready to start my day only to realize it was Saturday. Meaning no classes or anything else for that matter. My father paid all my bills so I didn't have to work. Now more than ever I wished I did have a job, I didn't want to sit around and wait for Elle to rub it in my face. Deciding that wasn't an option I decided to go to the park and watch the kids play. That was better than sitting there.

Grabbing my favorite book and a blanket I headed out. Nothing like a good read in the park to distract you from the world. My walk to the park was uneventful, I didn't realize how early it still was to everybody until I got to the park and seen it was empty. Not a soul in sight, something I didn't mind. I was in a pissy mood the less people the better.

Going under the biggest tree I could find I laid my blanket down before laying on my stomach. Reaching back to grab my book I noticed a crowd of men standing around in workout gear with bikes by their sides. One looked very familiar but from that distance, I couldn't really make him out. Not wanting to stare too long I continued on with my task of getting my book only for my phone to ring. Looking down at it I saw it was Elle. Rolling my eyes I turned the volume off and let it ring until the voicemail picked it up.

I knew I shouldn't be mad at Elle because it's not her fault he wanted her but I couldn't help but feel...jealous? This feeling was foreign to me, I was used to going with the flow of things yet here I was upset with my best friend over something that was out of her control and has happened a million times before. Why should this be any different, deciding not to make a big deal out of things I called Elle back only for me to get the voicemail. Opting not to leave a message I hung up, not really in the mood anymore to read, I got up and started packing up, choosing to take a walk instead.

Going down the bike path and not really paying attention because my phone was ringing, I missed the man on the bike screaming for me to look out. By the time I saw it it was too late. Swerving as to not hit me the man ran into a tree, crashing into it with a loud bang before falling down. Rushing over I couldn't believe what just happened, getting closer I was hoping and praying he was alright.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked as I approached him.

I could hear the people he was with in the distance asking if he was alright, as their voices grew closer. He had a helmet on and was laying on his side so his face was not visible to me. I didn't see any blood or anything but that didn't mean he wasn't hurt. Kneeling I turned him towards me and my breath got caught in my throat. There he was, all banged up staring into space all because of me, Great.

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