Chapter 3

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This girl is driving me insane. One minute she's staring me down like Lioness who see her prey then the next she's acting shy and running off.  I wanted to go after her but this damn Elle continues to throw herself at me, blocking my path. Don't get me wrong Elle is a very beautiful woman who could easily be mistaken for a model, she just wasn't my type, meaning I don't like her personality at all. I don't like the pushy type, I like to be the one in control.

I hate to sound like I'm judging her but I'm not liking the look at me attitude she has either. I like my girls quiet and shy and feisty when they want to be with pretty brown eyes. Whoa, focus I thought finally looking at Elle who was standing in front of me waiting for me to say something to her.

I didn't know what she was expecting, she looked nice but I was completely distracted by the way that red dress hugged Cianas body. I hate to see her go but I loved to watch her leave. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. It's like she doesn't even know what she does to every man in the room. All eyes followed her as she moved throughout the room, her brown skin glowing under the light. Yet I couldn't get close since Elle insists on being in my face. I'm trying to be nice but she was pushing it. I knew she was the reason Ciana was denying me, little did she know it made me want her more. I thought after last night she would've got the hint.


I always was interested in Black women, they are just so exotic to me. The way they can come in any shade was just so beautiful to me. It was like my eyes were automatically drawn to Ciana as soon as she stepped in the room, she looked like an angel standing there.

That's how she ended up bumping into me, I was on my way to her to introduce myself. Not expecting her to fall on the ground and run off on me. Following her to the bathroom not trying to be creepy just to make sure she was alright only for her to stare at me and run off again. She looked so surprised and nervous it was almost comical, I loved every moment.

Having a business colleague call me over distracted me for only a moment. The whole time talking to him my eyes were on that bathroom door, no matter where I moved to I could see the ladies room clearly. I couldn't be happier when she came back out as I excused myself to go over to her. I really wasn't listening to what was being said anyways. I only threw this mixer to see who the big fish in this town was. Scoping out the competition.

However right now my focus was elsewhere. I seen her peak her head out before fully coming out of the bathroom. My eyes were glued to her, watching her every move. I have never been one to wait around, if I want something I go and get it. I wanted her and I will have her. She's the first woman in a long time that caught my eye not only that she was going to make me chase her I could feel it. I don't mind, anything worth having never comes easily.

Stalking over to her I took a seat next to her, she was so into whatever was going on on her phone she didn't even notice me there. I was thinking about just getting up and leaving since she was ignoring me. I never been ignored like this before, this was new. Not one look, I know she could feel me there. I wanted to snatch the phone out of her hand but I didn't want to scare her. She really didn't know the affect she had on me. Thank goodness for Henery, giving her a reason to actually say more than two words, and she sounded like an angel with her light sweet voice.

She had this innocence about her that just makes me want to eat her up. Her shyness made her more beautiful, I did not want to go when Henery asked but I was there for business and business comes before pleasure. Plus he was my way to getting next to Niok. Seeing her get up had my full attention as I caught her eyes before her shyness kicked in. If she only knew how beautiful she looked.

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