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Pitch black skies lined in the God's vision as an unknown dimension stood still again. The 12 Olympian Gods and Goddesses were forming into a huge circle as they were on an important meeting to discuss something important and expectantly urgent.

Hades, still bringing his bident on his hand, spoke to his mutual Gods and Goddesses, "One of my demons of the underworld escaped and now harming the whole creatures on Earth!" he reported, uproaring the silent skies.

Hermes cleared his throat. "I'm afraid so. The guardians couldn't contain his power anymore. If they used too much of their powers, their existence will vanish into nothingness," he said, adding Hades' statement.

"Hmm..." Zeus hummed and nodded. "Who was this demon who escaped?" he then asked cautiously.

"It was Eurynomos," Hades immediately replied.

"Holy cosmos!" Zeus reacted at his answer. "He's dangerous. How on earth did he escaped from his cell on the underworld then?"

"He overpowered his guards and immediately freed himself from his cage and into the gates of hell."

Everyone silenced after Hades' statement as they don't know what they should do about this problem. They knew that they couldn't interfere on this problems. If they could, Hades himself could kill Eurynomos within a single snap.

"What should we do then?" Apollo intervened, asking the other 11 Olympian Gods and Goddesses about their opinion.

Aphrodite surprisingly coughed in a mocking way while a mischievous smirk was vivid on her face. "They're humans anyway. It doesn't concern us if they'll die..." she opinionated.

The Gods and Goddesses automatically turned their heads at her in pure disbelief.

"Aphrodite! Don't be so selfish! The humans praised us from generations to generations and they have been praying for us to help them!" Artemis reacted, scolding her in the process.

"They're just humans. We created them. If they'll die, we can create another-"

Artemis interrupted her. "Aphrodite-"

But before Artemis could finish her sentence, Zeus intervened by his loud shout. "ENOUGH!"

That silenced the Goddesses in their argument. Zeus cleared his throat and spoke, "We need to make a plan as soon as possible without interferring ourselves in it!" he demanded.

"Father," Athena called Zeus, surprising them on the process. The Goddess of Wisdom and Knowledge has spoken and that, they knew that the Goddess must already have formulated an effective plan.

"What is it?" His father, or should everyone say, Zeus asked her as his response.

Athena swallowed. "I might have an idea on how we could sent Eurynomos back from where he belong," she muttered, bringing everyone's reaction to her.

"Tell us about it," Zeus immediately demanded.

"We could increase the level of prowess we gave to the Guardians. In that way, we could help them save the humanity and stop Eurynomos from causing trouble without even interferring ourselves in it," Athena explained her plan thoroughly.

Apollo nodded agreeingly and said, "I agree with her plan father. Since they were overpowered by this particular demon, all we could help to defeat him was to increase their prowess and that, they could win and save the whole humanity. We helped at the same time following our rules on not interferring about any humanity problems," he furthered explained.

Zeus hummed and nodded as soon as he get what Athena and Apollo had been suggesting him. "Alright. We shall grant that plan and increase their prowess level. Help me on doing this." he said as he point his staff, sending thunderbolts at the center.

Some raised their hands and emitted their power from it while Hephaestus brought forward his hammer and let the power flow from it, meeting everyone's powers on the center. Nonetheless, Ares used his sword, Hades used his bident, and Poseidon used his trident to let their power complete at the center.

Zeus then spoke, "By the power vested in me as the king of the Gods and Goddesses, I shall now permitted to let the Guardian's prowess increase."

With these words, an illuminating light dispersed in the pitch black skies.


Hoseok and the six others were fighting the demon themselves when Eurynomos abducted Y/N from they're very own home. Of course, since she was a guardian's other half, her existence was very sweet and delicious to all demons, most especially Eurynomos since he was a ran away demon from the underworld.

The guardians already used 75 percent of their power and obviously, they were exhausted but their archnemesis didn't even felt any exhaustion. The demon smiled red the way he looked at Y/N who was panting hard and being held as hostage. Hoseok was weak and frail from losing so much power and it also affected Y/N. As everyone knew, Hoseok was her other half and everything bad that will happen to him will also affect her directly. Aside from that reason, the demon was choking her neck as he held her as hostage. And with her being a hostage, the guardians couldn't give in their full power and defeat him.

"Y-Y/N..." he called her in a very low and frail voice. "P-Please release her..." he beg but he knew his words were inaudible.

However, something unexpectedly happened. The skies opened and a stray of light passed down and struck their laying bodies on the ground. They started to float in the air with the light continuing to surround their bodies. Somehow, they felt energized and recharched and an overwhelming power was starting deluge their system. They knew that their powers had leveled up into another level and that they also realize that they can defeat the demon with it. Jungkook leveled up to level 6, the elemental guardians leveled up to level 5 while Hoseok and Yoongi leveled up to level 7.

With this power, Hoseok knew that with this now new leveled up power, he could defeat the demon alone.

The skies turned back again and the stray of light had disappeared.

"Well! Seemed the Gods had favoured us after all," Jungkook mocked at the demon who was looking at them with horror in its eyes.

The Six Guardians stepped back as they knew Hoseok could handle everything by himself. The latter looked at Eurynomos. Anger was evident in the way he looked at him. In a split of second with his incredible speed, he snatched Y/N away from the demon's grip and choked him with his bare hands in the process.

"Prepare to see the walls of hell again, you disgusting demon!" he said. "Eurynomos, mitto ego te ad inferis."

With that, a struck of blinding light appeared from Hoseok's hand, the same hand he gripped at the demon's neck. The air opened and was ready to suck the demon inside. Hoseok throw him away. And that was the stupidest thing he ever made.

The demon managed to grab Y/N's wrist and brought her with him in the gates of underworld.

"HOBI!" Y/N called in terror and it seemed the time slowed down in everyone's vision.

The dimension closed, sucking both of them in the underworld.

"Y/N!" Hoseok called as he attempted to follow the opposite dimension but before he could do it, both Jungkook and Yoongi speed up and held him back, preventing him to follow Eurynomos and his Y/N.

"Let go of me! I need to save Y/N!" He said in outburst, trying to break in from the two guardians' grip.

"You can't Hobi! You're a Life Guardian! You can't enter the depths of hell!" Yoongi scolded him loudly, trying to stop Hoseok.

My Y/N...

Hurt, a single tear escaped from his eyes.

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