Part 3

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        You sighed as you slumped into you chair. First day of school, and it was already boring.

From the corner of your eye, you could notice Nepeta, sitting in the corner of the classroom, narrowing her eyes to focus on you. To be honest, it sorta freaked you out, but at the same time this was Nepeta. So you had to get used to it. First class on your schedule was History. You didn't know who the teacher was so you didn't know if they were good or bad.

To your right, you noticed Jane from yesterday. She was smiling -as perusual-, writing in what seemed like a small notebook and was checking her phone every now and then -Probably checking the time.

To your lef- OH SHIT IT WAS DIRK!! Okay, okay... stay calm. Nothing to panic about, just don't stare. But your head turned slightly- I SAID DON'T STARE! (Author:*Le slaps Reader* Keep it together!!) Okay... this was going to be tough. You personally thought it was hard socializing with the said Strider, not that it mattered anyways...

You were too deep in thought to notice the glares from a couple of people.

As if on que, you lost your thoughts and snapped towards the door, where the teacher walked in. There was a groan coming from behind you, you could only ponder the thought of it being Karkat. Who else would it be? Everyone else in the class?

As he walked up towards the front he looked at everyone, from the looks of his skin and the fact he had horns made his species known as the trolls. He was looking in your direction; either he was looking at you, or he was looking at Karkat. "So it seems that we have a new student with us, am I correct?" he asked -sounding slightly similar to Karkat's loud voice, but his was alot softer than Karkat.

You just gave a simple quick nod, and he looked at the rest of the class, then back at you. "Alright then, so your name's (Y/n), right?" You simply nodded again.

"Alright then," he slipped his gaze from you to the door, and so did a couple of other students. You were curious aswell, so looked at the door. You could hear someone whispering a countdown, 'six..... five..... four.... three....' as if they were waiting for something to happen.

The door slammed open, revealing the cerulean blooded spider troll whom you met yesterday. "Yoooo, Signless, you should've seen how Mindfang hung Kankri to the flagpole a few minutes ago." She said with a sly smirk. The teacher -or known to you as Signless- had his eyes slightly widened as he rushed out of class. A few students cheered as Karkat got out of his seat behind you and started walking towards the door, leaving with a mumble of "Thanks a lot for dragging me into this.." and a snicker from her.

This day was going great so far.

~Time skip to lunch, Thank you Aradia Megido I was getting hungry~

Since you didn't know a whole lot of people, and you knew there were tons at this school, you decided not to eat in the cafeteria. It would probably be crowded.

Your best place to go was just stay inside and eat at your locker. You would've gone outside, but it was raining. A few people who walked pass you, looked at you strangly but you brushed it off.

As soon as you were finished, you had everything in your locker. Not many people were out of the cafeteria, which was fine with you. But as soon as you closed your locker; a hand slammed onto the locker next to yours. It didn't startle you, your sister taught you things (because she was such a badass.) You looked over to see some girl with long messy hazel colored hair, long nails -that could probably rip eyes out- clothing out of your league; but in a cheerleaders, and a possy of 4 other girls near her(Yolo the casual mean cheerleaders.) "Can I help you with something?" you asked. She only glared at you, "Yes, you can! Listen here you prick, stay away from Strider, because he's mine."

You just looked at her with a face like '...' and spoke, "okay, first off, I just met the guy yesterday. 2) we're just friends and 3) get some clothes on!" The cheerleaders growled at you, they were wearing those mini skirts and half top sorta clothing.

One of the ones behind her -guessing co-captain of that group- went to go claw at you face, but something caused he hand to flinch back in pain.

To your suprise, she had a cut on her hand. You stared sorta shocked, but snapped out of it when the leader of that group, grabbed you by the arm -digging her claws into the skin, possibly getting flesh- and slammed you againts the lockers. You let out a slight groan of pain.

She went to go punch you stright in the face, but she was pushed to the ground. All you saw was a blur; not exactly noticable. She cried slightly in pain, but you weren't aware that it was one of those 'attack' distress calls. Three girls leaped at you, hissing little monsters but they ended up in the ground due to a force, it knocked all the wind out of them. You were shocked to say the least.

When the 5 of the, looked up at you, they're facial features were slimed in fear. They all scrambled to their feet and ran the opposite direction. You turned around, and there, standing behind you was...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2014 ⏰

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