Chapter 17

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You texted your mom

Cutest Daughter (Minji)
Hey Mom if I get honor this last quarter and scores of tests above 50, Can I go to Australia?

Sure, take a picture of your report card and your exams for proof ok?

Cutest Daughter (Minji)
Ok, thanks Mom ≥^≤
✓✓seen last 7:30pm

The next day (April 1, Monday Morning)

You told Bang Chan "hey Bang Chan, I'm gonna start studying every recess and lunch so I don't want much disturbance ok?" Bang Chan replied "oh ok, I'll start studying too" you replied "ok good but please don't disturb me alot, I mean you could also me a few things that are important but if it's not then don't ask" Bang Chan replied "ok sure, but if you need help with studying, I'll help you" then he smiled, you replied "ok"

Your POV

It's morning so I guess I should study. I grabbed out my English textbook, I checked the scope and sequence and then started studying

After 30 minutes...

I finished studying English before the teacher came in and um... ok now she's here, ok Time to pay attention

*End of POV*

~time skip~


Bang Chan walked you too the bus stop, while walking Bang Chan's asked you a question "have you ever experienced falling in love?" you replied "I only had one crush which was way back in Grade 3, he was one of the bullies and he was very handsome thou, that's how I liked him before, by his looks not his attitude weird huh?" Bang Chan replied "that's weird I mean looks aren't everything, childhood memories suck" you replied "I mean my childhood was pretty fine but I regret liking that boy but I don't know where he is now, that's great" then you smiled, Bang Chan replied "did you ever admit? And if you did what did he say?" You replied "I did admit but he said "you're gross" and I don't know why but I cried when he said that, I really don't know why" Bang Chan "you obviously loved him a lot before" you replied "disgusting" then I punched him on his arm, Bang replied "admit it!" You replied "fine, I stalked him during recess before once, welp I'm exposed" Bang Chan "lol, nice childhood" You replied "stop teasing, as if you didn't like someone" then he started blushing, then he said "shut up, oh wait it's the bus stop, see you tomorrow" you replied "lol, shut up, see you tommorow" then Bang Chan waves and smiled while you did the same

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