Chapter 1

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The sun shined brightly over the small Japanese city, the sky clear and blue. A young boy, no older than 17, could be seen on his morning jog through the local park, the wind blowing through his navy hair that was pulled back with a yellow headband. A girl could be seen across the street observing the young man. She smirked as he passed without noticing her and she too, quickly broke out into a run after him. In no time at all she had caught up and was jogging at a steady pace next to him. She frowned as she heard no greeting, and looked over to the younger male who continued to stare straight ahead.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"Huh? Wha-" Valt Aoi stumbled as he was pulled away from his daydream and looked over to the source of the question.

There, running along side him, was his old friend and rival (Y/n) (L/n).

"Oh uhh hey (Y/n)! Sorry, I didn't see you there"

She gave him a lazy smile and raised her eyebrows, signifying that she took no offence.

"Well?" she asked, wanting him to answer her previous question.

" Oh uhhh well I was just y'know, thinking about what went down at the national tournament and my battle against Lui." he mumbled looking down

"Hmm," she mused in understanding as she looked straight ahead, easily picking up on his uneasiness and disappointment. Her running pace picked up ever so slightly as she continued to speak "Well you know what they say about second place..."

"Huh?" Valt looked over at the older girl as he too sped up slightly to catch up to her. She was looking at the horizon as she ran, not meeting his eyes, but there was a small smirk playing on her pink lips.

"They're the first loser" she chimed cheekily, eyes darting over to boy next to her, so that she could witness his outraged expression

Valt's jaw dropped in shock. He was expecting reassurance or pity, not to be insulted so early in the morning. He shook his head and regained his composure whilst looking at (Y/n), who was still staring straight ahead. However, her eyes dashed back to meet Valt's and he broke out into a smile letting out a small chuckle, knowing it was all in good humor.

"Well you placed eighth, so what does that make you?" he teased back. She pushed him slightly bumping her shoulder to his gently as they continued jogging and he let out a hearty laugh as she mumbled a small 'shut up'

They continued their run in silence, the air and mood light after their playful banter.

"You know..." she started, gaze straight ahead again instead of at Valt

"Huh?" he breathed softly her sudden words catching him off gaurd

"It won't end that way next time"

He looked over at her in question but she still refused to meet his eyes

"You won't lose to Lui next time in the final round"


She suddenly stopped in her tracks, causing Valt to stumble. He was forced to backtrack and stood directly in front of her, but she kept her eyes on the ground, her arms stiff at her sides, her hands in tight fists. Suddenly her head shot up and his brown eyes met her piercing stare.

"You're gonna lose to me"

"(Y/n)..." he said quietly

"So you better watch out, because I'm going to be coming at you full throttle and I expect you to be working your ass off, cause if you're not, me and Hellicate will blow you right out of the water!" she proclaimed as she pulled out her Bey and showed it to him with an outstretched arm, her (E/c) eyes shining with determination.

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