Chapter 2

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(Y/n) opened her eyes slowly, being greeted with small twinkling lights, which were meant to replicate stars, on the roof of the plane. She steadily pushed herself up and out of the ball of limbs she had temporarily hibernated into for a duration of the flight, stretching slightly as she made her way back into a more traditional sitting position. She blinked a couple of times before bringing her fists up to her eyes to properly rub the drowsiness away. How long had she been asleep?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud buzzing noise that seemed to echo throughout the small quite plane. She looked around in curiosity for the source of the sound but was met with nothing until a deep masculine voice filled her ears by way of the overhead speaker

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. I apologize for the minor turbulence we suffered on our way here to Spain, but bad weather cannot be helped, I suppose. The time is now nearing 8:00 pm, and we will be landing very shortly. Thank you for riding with us, and we wish you a very good night."

The loud buzzing sound could be heard for the second time before the plane was covered in absolute silence once again.

(Y/n) looked outside the small plane window and gasped at the sight before her.

The ground was now much nearer as the plane began to make it's descent, and as a result the buildings were much clearer. (Y/n) stared in amazement at the beautiful Spanish architecture that were lit up by hundreds of dazzling lights. She was struck out of awe when a sharp pain filled her ears, and she yelped in surprise before bringing her hands to her ears and pressing down in an attempt to relieve some of the pain. She closed her eyes and swallowed hard, waiting for the pain to pass as the plane quickly began to make it's decent onto the runway. (Y/n) heard a loud pop in her ears not soon after, signifying that the air pressure inside and outside of her eardrums had equalized, and she slowly opened her eyes and lowered her hands to grip the arm rests tightly.

The wheels of the plane hit the runway hard and the impact sent the girl flying forward, only to be lurched back by her seatbelt, her back hitting the back of her seat with a soft thud. She looked out the window once again and was met with the sight of multiple lights that lit up the runway, but the speed at which the plane was going made them appear as only a single hazy yellow blur. Soon enough the plane began to slow down and (Y/n)'s grip on the armrests loosened when the airplane came to a complete stop.

The light signifying that taking off your seatbelt was permitted lit up, and with that the plane erupted in a frenzy of people quickly getting up to collect their luggage and get off the plane  they had been trapped on for the past eight hours. (Y/n) waited patiently for the walkway of the plane to clear, seeing no point in getting up just to stand in line. In approximately 10 minutes, most of the plane had been emptied out.

(Y/n) stood up, backpack already on, and took out her other luggage from the overhead compartment. One carry on suit case and a shoulder bag. After adjusting the shoulder bag, she pulled up the handle of the carry on and made her way out of the plane, thanking the air hostesses and the piolets on her way out.

The Airport was quite small compared to others, but it was still filled with people, most of whom were laying over, waiting for their next plane tiredly. (Y/n) made her way outside, the cool night air biting playfully at her cheeks. She saw a middle aged man standing across the street, leaning on a yellow cab with glassy eyes, and impulsively walked over to him.

"Um excuse me?" she asked meekly, the realization that she was alone in a completely foreign city suddenly washing over her in waves.

"Hm?"  the man looked down confused at the young woman standing in front of him

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