Ateez 4

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Little!Yeosang,Caregiver!Seonghwa and Jongho. Ages 1-4. *poly relationship*

Ateez's comeback was just around the corner, meaning all of them had to work their asses off.

Yeosang decided that he was going to work twice as hard this time. He was always staying late and practicing by himself, which started to worry his boyfriends and caretakers, Seonghwa and Jongho.

"Ugh none of this is right, this still looks sloppy." Yeosang said angrily. He had been dancing for 2 hours now and still wasn't happy.

He started the song again and started to dance, but this time he tripped. When he landed, he landed right on his back knocking the wind right out of him.

He laid on the ground gasping for air, as he tried to fill his lungs with oxygen.

Once he caught his breath, he realized just how much that fall hurt and started to cry. Slowly he realized that he was regressing.

'No not now, I need to practice' he thought, trying to hold on to his big self but ultimately failing.

Now he was still on the ground, crying and little. Not a good combination. Also, being in little space made everything hurt way more than it actually did and he was full on sobbing at this point.

Luckily for him, one of his caretakers decided to check on him and bring him dinner.

"Yeosangie, I brought you food!" Seonghwa said opening the door to the practice room.

Once he saw the poor boy on the ground, he dropped the bag and ran over to him.

"Oh my goodness, my poor baby are you okay? Where are you hurt?" Seonghwa asked, placing him on his lap and carefully checking him for injuries.

"E-eomma" was all that came out of the boys mouth. Being in so much pain he ended up regressing to about a year old.

"It's okay baby, Eomma is here" Seonghwa started to rock Yeosang gently in his arms, humming a lullaby softly.

The small boy slowly calmed down and eventually fell asleep in his Eomma's arms.

Seonghwa smiled at his baby curled up into his chest. He slowly stood up with Yeosang still in his arms and made his way out of the practice room.

He walked the short distance to the dorms, luckily it was dark outside so he was confident that no one saw them. He arrived at the dorms and made his way up to the ATEEZ dorm.

When he got there, he opened the door with great difficulty as he didn't want to drop Yeosang.

He walked into the living room to see his other boyfriend, Jongho, on the couch.

"Aww, is our baby boy little?" Jongho asked, seeing Yeosang in Seonghwa's arms.

"Yeah, I think he fell or something he was crying when I found him. He's been overworking himself so much Jongho. I'm so worried about him" Seonghwa sighed, he hated seeing their baby do this to himself.

Seonghwa sat on the couch next to Jongho, with Yeosang on his lap. Yeosang's head was resting on Seonghwa's shoulder, his breath lightly tickling the older's neck.

"I just want him to realize that he doesn't need to work so hard, he's already an amazing singer and dancer. And if anyone deserves a break, it's him" Seonghwa felt like crying, he felt guilty for not stopping Yeosang.

"Baby, it's not your fault that he's stubborn. And I know you're worried, I'm worried too, I love you two so much and I hate seeing you both like this. All we can do now is wait until he's in big space again and have a serious conversation with him, I don't want our baby boy ending up in the hospital and I know you don't either" Jongho said, grabbing one of Seonghwa's hands and squeezing it lightly.

"I love you too, and our stubborn baby" Seonghwa smiled at his other boyfriend, squeezing back. Jongho was really the wise one in this relationship.

"Daddy?" Yeosang slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes, he saw his daddy and climbed into his lap.

"Hi baby, are you okay? Eomma told me you got hurt" Jongho asked the little, not knowing how old he was right now.

Yeosang just whined and hugged his daddy. Jongho hugged him back, rubbing his back lightly.

"Baby, you need to eat something" Seonghwa said.

Yeosang sat up. "baba" was all he said.

"You want a bottle bubs?" Seonghwa asked.

The boy just nodded and stuck his face back in his daddy's neck.

Seonghwa smiled at the sight and got up to make him a bottle.

"Hey hyung you're back, how's Yeosang?" Yunho asked.

"I found him crying and little on the floor of the practice room" Seonghwa sighed, grabbing a bottle and then the milk out of the fridge.

"Is he okay?" Yunho asked, concerned for his fellow band mate.

"I think so, he's almost completely non verbal and super clingy. He's with Jongho on the couch right now" Seonghwa explained, warming up the bottle.

"Well I hope he's okay, goodnight hyung" Yunho said.

"Night Yunho" Seonghwa said, taking the warm bottle to the living room.

Jongho saw Seonghwa and repositioned Yeosang on his lap to feed him easier.

Seonghwa handed Jongho the bottle, and sat back down next to his boyfriends. He smiled at his baby slowly falling asleep in Jongho's arms.

After Yeosang finished the bottle, he rested his head against Jongho's chest and fell asleep.

"Let's take him to bed" Jongho said and stood up with Yeosang. Seonghwa followed him to their room and changed into a loose t-shirt and shorts once they got there.

He grabbed a t-shirt for Yeosang and changed him out of his dance clothes. Jongho changed into only a pair of sweatpants and climbed into bed with his two lovers.

"Goodnight my loves, I love both of you so much" Jongho said kissing Yeosang's forehead and kissing Seonghwa softly on the lips.

"I love you too" Seonghwa whispered. He also kissed Yeosang's head and snuggled up to him.

All three boys were pretty lucky to have each other, all three were deeply in love and dreamt of their future together a lot.

The two caretakers drifted off to sleep, holding their baby tight and hoping for a better day tomorrow.

*I think Imma do a part two 👀*

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