Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Eavesdropping on the brothers the old fashioned way, Farrah jumped when Cas appeared beside her.

"I have news," he said.

She stood back. "Cool. What's up?"

He looked up and said, "Well, it appears to be a ceiling."

She giggled. "Castiel, what'd you find?"

He nodded. "It is confusing." She shrugged.

"Everything in my life is."

"If you were Dean's daughter or Sam was the oldest, it would be straightforward."

"Go on."

"A lycan. One of the most rare species in the world; only two have been identified, including you, in the past two hundred years. It is the offspring of a demon and an angel, but both must be occupying vessels while they make the child. The father must be the oldest of his mother, and the mother the youngest of her mother. If this is not the case, either the angel or the demon will prevail in the child's powers, not both."

She raised her eyebrow. "Sounds like we'd better have a conversation with the Winchester brothers." They had lied to her, she knew that much. But what about?

Just then, Sam opened the door and Dean walked in in front of him.

"Well," said Sam, "I think it's time we come clean, Farrah. Cas, can you give us a minute?"

He looked among the small family and nodded. "Of course." Turning to Farrah, he said, "Call me when you are ready."

She nodded and he left.

"We need to talk," said Dean.

"No kidding." She looked at her feet and shuffled to her bed, where she sat. She didn't want to look at Dean right then.

"Look, Farrah," Dean started.

"Save the sugar and give it to me straight." She didn't want to have to deal with riddles and being careful around her. She was a Winchester, and definitely suited to take hard cold news.

Sam smiled, but it was forced. "Sounds good."

Dean hesitated. He didn't want to do this to her. He didn't want to put this burden on her. But Sam looked at him, communicating that it was his job alone. Fine. Dean would suck it up and say it, no matter how she reacted.

"Farrah, I'm your dad. Not Sam. At the time, one of my aliases was Samuel Trent, and I asked her to call me Sam. Before I told her my last name, I slipped up and said Winchester."

Her head snapped up to his; her glare was strong enough that he almost cringed. "You lied to her? My mother? She loved you and you lied to her!" She stood, tears biting at her eyes. "I trusted you not to lie to me! I thought you had more integrity than that! But you just let me think that Sam was my father! How dare you!"

Sam stood up. "Farrah-"

"Don't, Sam. You lied to me too."

"It wasn't my choice." He slowly approached her.

"Don't come any closer," she said dangerously. He stopped immediately. Her voice then became a horrified whisper. "I thought I could trust you two. I thought we were family."

Dean spoke. "We are family."

"Family doesn't do this! They don't lie to each other like this! How can I trust anything you say? Anything you do? For all I know, you're not even the Winchesters!"

"You know that isn't true. Farrah, you know a lot of stuff, and we can't explain how." Sam started pleading. "You know I'm not lying now; I love you. You're just like a daughter to me. I didn't tell you because Dean begged me not to, and I didn't want to hurt you like this."

"Please just sit down, Sam. I need some time to think this over."

He nodded and stepped back. "Anything you need, just call."

She started walking toward the door, then paused. "Dean, how am I part demon?"

"A demon caught a ride with me the second to last time I saw Emily."

She nodded and said with a sigh, "I know what I am." Better just get it out there.

"Really?" Sam sounded surprised. "That's great! What is it?"

"A lycan. I'll let Cas tell you about it."

Dean visibly winced. Her shortening of his name was the final confirmation of just how upset she was.

She noticed. "Did you expect me to hear that and just accept it?"

"Of course not. Just didn't think it'd make you that mad."

Letting her hair down, she fluffed it up and changed her mind about where she was going, pulling her coat off to reveal a dark colored crop top and matching shorts. Her pearly white skin accented the dark colors, making her look...not pretty, but sexy.

"I'm going to hell. I'll tell you when I get back."

"Wait, Farrah," Sam started, but she was already gone.

She stepped out of the dark room that Crowley had previously taken her to that was safe for her to fly in and out of and soaked in the thrumming atmosphere.

"Tabitha! Great to see you!" One of the "good" demons, Carly, gave her a side hug. Carly was fairly human-looking, since she had become sensitive to her human. Her hair was dirty brown, a feather tied into it, and her eyes were a bright blue, while she appeared about Farrah's age.

"You too. What's going on?"

"Well Philip and Owen can't keep their heads from butting together for more than ten minutes. No amount of threats or executions from Crowley can even tame them. So steer clear of the back room. And Jason's got a new drink, it's not half bad."

"Great. We can go there first. I'm in desperate need of a drink."

"Mm, I know what you're feeling." They started to walk together, all of the males staring. "You're looking fierce today, Tabitha."

"Think so?" Farrah looked down at her clothes and wondered briefly if she was taking it too far. Then she shrugged. It didn't matter. If it wasn't her, it was safe.

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