Super Short Epilogue

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Super Short Epilogue

*Two Years Later*

"Got the knife?"


"Sammy, you ready?"

"Let's go."

Farrah tossed their duffel in the trunk and pushed it closed as she got in the backseat. One door was deadbolt locked, which was the one she always leaned against.

Sliding her shoes off, Farrah pulled her feet up on the seat of the Impala and flipped on the radio. As he started to drive, Dean turned it up. Farrah air-drummed and Sam and Dean sang along pretty well.

In a flurry of wings, Cas showed up. "Hey, Castiel. I'm planning on lasagna for dinner. Wanna stay?" she asked hopefully. She knew he didn't eat, neither did she of course, but a part of her hoped he would.

He smiled. "I would like to."

A few minutes and one song later, Farrah randomly said, "When did my life get so fantastic?"

Sam grinned back at her.

Just then, the song ended and another came on. Farrah started to laugh.

"Carry on my wayward son, there'll be peace when you are-" Dean jammed his thumb on the button.

"I hate that song."

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