Chapter 19

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@zourryislife: Ugh I hate @Harry_Styles so damn much! He's the reason my babies broke up!!

@_sarahhhlove: @Harry_Styles is a damn home wrecker. Needs to keep his dick in his pants bruh

@makemeesmileeee: Harry styles is fucking ugly af!! @zaynmalik can do waaayyy better

The thing with Harry is that he's a people pleaser. He's been one ever since he was a little boy and giving his pudding cups to Louis because their mom forgot to pack him one. He likes to know that people like him and that he's helping them. That's just the way he is. People being sad or hurt make him sad and hurt. Especially those who are close to him. So as he reads through these nasty messages his heart breaks a bit.

@ShinRee: Louis_Tomlinson 's family should have just left @Harry_Styles at that damn orphanage

The heartache was like an insatiable fire that burnt all the oxygen in his body leaving him listless and empty. But now it is more like a thin layer of ice, cooling his insides, a gentle reminder of the pain that came before and a warning not to stoke that fire again. Not daring to read over another message, Harry closed his phone and threw the device across the room onto the couch. His sadness was like a flowing river, cold and unending. It washed all the goodness out of him and left him a mere shell of his once happy self. Looking at his phone from the distance, Harry pulled his knees up to his chest resting his wet chin on top of his legs that were covered by his ripped black skinny jeans. Wiping the tears from his face the curly haired lad sighed shakily and thanked the universe for letting him be the only one present in the hotel at the moment. But he also was silently cursing the universe for not letting at least one person be there for him at the moment. All he needed was a little bit of comfort, that everything wasn't true, and that Zayn did love him, and that he was good enough.

His phone buzzed again, then again, then again letting him know that there was another tweet directed to him. Wanting to just go over and break the phone, Harry shrunk back into the couch and let a new batch of tears fall. When another buzz filled the room, Harry huffed and got up from his position from the couch, and dragged his feet over to his phone. Typing his four digit password in, Harry turned off all the notifications or twitter, and closed the app. He was greeted with his home screen, and the cute picture of himself and Zayn all cuddled up together on the couch in Paraguay. His thumb hovered over Zayn's contact number and let his feelings take over his next decision. He knew that Zayn was in another meeting with management now, so he knew that he wouldn't answer. Pressing call, Harry listened as it rang a few times before it went straight to voice mail.

"Hi it's me Zayn obviously. Well I'm busy at the moment, but I'll be sure to call back whenever I can. Alright bye!"

Harry took a deep breath before closing his eyes, and speaking as clearly as he could manage into the phone. "Zayn...Hi uhm..It's me, and I just want you to know that I love you. I'll always l-love you actually. I just...this whole thing is just crazy Ze. I don't want to be responsible for you and Louis' friendship ending. I-I...and I also don't want to be the reason your career ends. I....uhm...I think it'll be best for both of us if we just end things before they get even messier. I love you...a-and I don't want to do this but it just has to be done...I love you." he said before hanging up, and turning his phone off. Grabbing a beanie and his wallet, Harry quickly exited the hotel unnoticed by anyone. He walked over the empty streets that seemed to be vacant of anyone at the moment.

Hi eyes were burning and his chest felt heavy as if it were filled with lead. Harry could no longer see clearly. All he knew was that there was no more Zayn. The lad was out of my life for possibly forever. Alone in the streets Harry stood up and reached out his hand so that he could clearly see it. The memories of his fingers being interlaced with Zayn's seemed like mere fantasies again. He was gone. Forever. A drop of water fell onto his hand he looked to the sky and even though the sky had been grey and looked like it was about to break into a heavy downpour, not a drop came from the sky. Looking down at his hand again another drop appeared and Harry realized that the liquid was coming from his eyes.

Soon one tear followed by another one, and another one, until soon, a steady stream of salty tears flowed it's way down his pale cheek, releasing the sadness and sorrow that has been held inside of him for all this time but still he did not make a sound. His knees dig into the earth as he hits the ground, his hands unsteady as they silently claw at the dirt. He opens his mouth, but not a sound comes out, his body violently quivering as if there is a drill to the back of his spine. His eyes see nothing. They have lost all sight of what is and what could have been. Blinding lights of cars pass by the sidewalk from where he was at, and Harry just felt even more miserable than before knowing that people could see him now. The emptiness in his heart, the numbness pounding his brain, the salty tears that flowed unchecked from his eyes, the shear nothingness that now took hold of his soul threatened to engulf him entirely.

Soon, it began sprinkling. Little droplets of water drenched his hair, skin, and clothing. The water droplets began growing larger and falling frequently. The light 'pitter patter' of rain turned into wet thuds as the icy water raced to meet the ground. The sprinkling turned into a torrential downpour. The coldness seeped through his shirt and chilled his skin. The clouds grew darker and darker. A flash of lightning spooked him a bit. The bone-chilling cold seemed unbearable in the howling wind and icy rain. The sound of thunder rolled through the area as another lightning bolt split the sky.


Not looking up thinking that it was just his mind playing cruel tricks on him. Harry ignored Zayn's voice that was repeatedly calling after him. His arms started to feel weak, so he sat back on his legs with his arms just draping on to his lap. The mirage calling his name seemed to get closer and closer, until he felt two strong arms pulling him up to his feet. Meeting whisky coloured eyes that he has fallen in love with. Harry gasped and shook from the cold and the pure joy that overwhelmed him that Zayn actually came after him.

Zayn's raven black hair covered his brown eyes, which were set in fear as he watched Harry standing in the rain. He stumbled towards him, tears running down his face, but you wouldn't have known. His tanned cheeks were tinted with red from all the running, and his long fingers reached towards Harry as he reached him. He grasped Harry in his arms, "Don't ever leave again," he whispers in his normally calm but now frantic voice. You could hear Harry sobs in agreement through the rain and Zayn's sigh was filled with happiness. His light brown eyes looked towards the lad in his arms, a perfect balance of tenderness and innocence and Harry was all his. Zayn took Harry closer to him and kissed his forehead with his rosy, thin lips. "I love you so much, Harry," he whispers.

"I love you, too." he replied, and they promised on it.

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