The Angel of The Gate

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A young mother and father are expecting their third child but the problem is its the date of the Demon Gate of the Underworld. This night is the only night demons and monsters can come to the real world for one whole night. Their other two kids are boys. Yota the oldest who has black hair, brown wolf ears, green eyes and wears light color clothing. Luke is the next son. He has light brown hair, brown wolf ears, green eyes and wears similar clothing to his older brother.

"Dad? Mom needs you inside!" says Yota as him and Luke took their dad's place outside the hut.

"Okay just let me know if they come," said their dad.

"This it's going to be fun! Having a younger sister but it's bad luck if she's born tonight" said Luke to his older brother.

"I know what you mean younger brother but we must make sure no one kills our family tonight," says Yota. Luke nods and the two stay watch as their mother gives birth. Once nightfall ends the two go inside to see a young brown-haired girl with green eyes and wolf ears similar to theirs. The two take turns holding their younger sister.

"What's her name?" asked Luke.

"Massey. Her names Massey" says their mom.

"Hi, Massey! I'm Luke your older brother" says Luke looking into her bright green eyes. Yota looks at Massey over Luke's shoulder. He couldn't put his finger on it but the look of Massey told him that this was the start of their struggles.

Throughout the year, Yota watched Luke and Massey when his parents went to work. Luke often would give Massey piggyback rides or let her touch his ears. The first year with Massey was a blessing but then Massey's birthday came around.

"Dad what do we do? It's the time of the Demon Gate again! They're sure to come for Massey sooner or later" said Yota as his father and he were cleaning up from the dinner they had that night.

"Protect your siblings no matter what!" said his father. Yota looked at his father and nodded.

That night everything happened to fast. A black bat-like demon came into the house demanding the family to hand over the child of the gate. The family refused so the demon took life to feed the gate for the night. They heard a scream but it was too dark to tell who's the soul the demon took. The next morning Yota saw the demon had taken his mother's life. The three siblings and their father moved to a different country to protect Massey from the demons of the Underworld. The next year Luke noticed Massey had what looked like white angel wings coming off of her back as she was now two and running around. Luke tells his father and brother and over the year they watch the young one closely. Her third birth was coming and with her being as how she was her father was sure the demons had found her and would come for her again.

"Yota! I think they might have found us so protect the little angel with everything you got!" said the three's father.

"Right!" said Yota pulling his siblings to the basement to hide.

"Where is that little child!" yelled the demon girl with bat wings and black wolf ears.

"Somewhere far away! You'll never get her!" said the kid's father.

"Fine then just like your wife your soul will have to feed the gate until the next time it opens," said the demon.

The next morning the three kids came up from the basement and found their father lifeless. Just like how his father did when his mother died, Yota took his siblings and move towns. The year passes with no problems then the day of Massey's birthday a demon appeared. This time it was a devil looking demon with red wings, horns and red wolf ears with a red furry tail. She had blue eyes instead of black ones, however.

"Who are you Demon?" spat Yota as his sister hid behind him with his brother standing next to him.

"I came with a warning!" she said but Yota wasn't buying it.

"What would that be?" asked Luke eyeing the demon just like his brother.

"Since Massey has now grown angel wings Jordan's plan to turn her evil has changed. If you don't give her to the gods she will be killed on her fifth birthday" said the demon.

"Give us your name and we might be able to help or at least listen to you," said Yota still not buying what the demon was saying.

"My name is Layla and you have been warned," she said before leaving.

Yota pushed his siblings inside after Layla left. In the underworld, Layla has facked that she was injured by the boy Yota to trick Jordan that the mission was a failure yet again.

"I guess we'll have to just go to plan B next year! Guards gather every demon and monster within the next year. When the gate opens were going to the overworld for that child. The goal is to kill the angel child" said Jordan smirking.

A year later Jordan sets her plan into motion as Layla sneaks away. In the overworld, Yota and Luke are waiting for the demons to attack while Massey is in her wolf form huddling into a little ball. They all trained over this past year to grow stronger. The gate opens and the war begins.

"Go forth my demons and monsters of hell and bring me that child dead!" yelled Jordan and followed after the thousands of demons who have fled through the gate of the underworld.

Layla was in her wolf form flying as fast as she can. She had a secret mission the whole time. She's the goddess of peace and deceiving. She hid as a demon because she was born to look like one but one herself. Her goal was to save Massey the entire time. Elsewhere Luke has just seen the demons and monster and has run back into the house to tell Yota. Yota turns into his wolf form and picks Massey up. Luke turned into a wolf as well and the two-run for it but get hit by a shadow monster who knocks Massey out of Yota's grip.

"This is the end you little rat! No one survives the Demon Gate tonight!" laughs Jordan as a demon closes in on Massey. Massey looks to her brothers, then to the laughing demon, and back to the demon in front of her.

"Someone helps me" she whispers.

In a flash of red light, the demon that was going to strike her is dead and the demons on Luke and Yota are dead. A few feet away the red flash of light stops and there is a red wolf with demon wings and blue eyes with a small brown wolf with angel wings and green eyes.

"Jordan this ends today! I'm Layla of the heavens! Goddess of peace and deceiving! You have taken enough human lives from this world so I'd run if I were you because once I caught you you'll pay for all of those lives!" yelled Layla as Jordan immediately switched forms and flew as fast as her bat wings could carry her.

Massey and Luke jumped around as the demons fled back into the Underworld. Yota, however, approached the red wolf who was tired from flying all night long.

"Thank you for saving my sister," he told her bowing.

"No need to bow. It was my mission after all" she told him as he raised his head to meet her gaze. The two then joined the younger siblings in celebration of the end of running to save Massey's life.

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