Chapter 1|Dreaming of You

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My adrenaline was pumping. I was running as fast as I could, yet it wasn't fast enough. The rain was making it hard to get a grip on the rough terrain. He was going to catch me. The cool air was burning my lungs, but I continued to sprint towards the horizon. "You can't hide from me Hathaway," whispered the menacing strigoi. I dug my heels into the slippery slope and ran harder. I thought my efforts had prevailed, when suddenly I felt something snag onto my shoulder. He had finally caught me. I spun around, my stake aimed at his chest. I took in the creature's features. His pale, chalky complexion ; the red-ringed eyes; the fangs still stained with his previous victim's blood. He had pale blonde hair that would've complemented his deep blue eyes and subtle features if he were anything other than an evil bastard. I remember the look of pure hatred on his face when my stake penetrated his chest back at the academy. He looked exactly the same. "Just because I'm dead doesn't mean the others won't come for her," he said with a horrible twisted grin. I lunged at his chest his chest with my stake, knocking him over and pinning him to the ground before I finished him. "You and your little bitches will never, EVER, lay a finger on her. And if you all even try, I will personally kill every last one of you," I whispered through gritted teeth. He just smiled that horrid smile. I hated him. I plunged my stake through his chest and he let out a blood curdling scream. My arms went limp and I rolled away from him, whimpering into the ground.

"Roza! Wake up your having another nightmare!" Dimitri shouted, frantically shaking my shoulders. I looked into his warm brown eyes and clung to the love I saw in them. I breathed out a sigh as layed back on his chest with my eyes closed. Ever since Lissa had become Queen I had been worried she would be targeted by someone looking to take out her family line. But now with another little Dragomir on the way, the stakes were even higher. For weeks now I had been dreaming about a strigoi who had once told me he would personally end the Dragomirs. Of course he was dead, but what if others still shared the same idea? The baby could be in danger. "Rose, calm down. Lissa is alright, the baby is alright, and Christian is alright. Everything is fine," Dimitri murmured into my ear. "It is amazing how much you understand me," I breathe with a smile, giving him a quick kiss. We stay like that for a while, content to stay in each other's embrace for as long as possible." I better get up," I murmer into his ear. I slowly get up and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth, while Dimitri went downstairs to make his coffee. "Where is my damned toothpaste?" I mutter under my breath. I finally find it under the sink and move on to my mess of hair. After I have myself looking presentable I jog down the stairs and join Dimitri, who is probably on his third cup of coffee right now. I stand at the base of the stairs, admiring the way the kitchen lights make him look. He still takes my breath away after all these years. He seems to sense me and glances over his shoulder at me. His lips twitch into the ghost of a smile, "See something you like Rose?" he questions. "Always," I answer, walking over and giving him a big hug. He grins and brings me in for one of those long, gentle kisses that he knows I love. before anything else can happen, the phone rings. "Damn phone," I mutter under my breath and I hear Dimitri chuckle. He answers the phone and becomes all business. "Okay we will be right there," he says into the phone. "Liss is in labor, we have got to go," Dimitri says, giddy with excitement. I run upstairs to grab my stake, while Dimitri grabs the keys. "Roza, let's go!" He yells up the stairs. "Roger that comrade," I replied with an excited grin.

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