Chapter 4| Pick your Poison

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My footsteps are echoing off of the walls. I have been pacing for hours, trying to make sense of what has happened. Who would target Lissa and Lacey? Everyone seems fond of the young queen, and they grew even more fond of her precious baby girl. Who would want to see the royal family fall? And why? The possibilities are endless, and they leave my head spinning. Liss sits in the corner on her bed, while Lacey sleeps peacefully in her crib, oblivious to the turmoil around her. I walk over and squeeze her hand. "You ok Liss?" I ask gently. She just nods and buries her head in my shoulder and let's out a choked sob. "Who would want to hurt Me and Lacey?" she asks, her eyes glinting with emotion. "I don't know," I answer honestly. It's at times like this that I wish that I still had the bond so I could pull the darkness out of her. Spirit may be useful, but were the side affects really worth it? The door clicks open and Dimitri and Christian walk into the room, faces grave.

They look at each other and Dimitri takes the lead. "They have established whose blood was on the pavement," Dimitri whispers, his face grim. Do I dare ask? After a few long seconds, I let out a sigh and say quietly, "Who's blood was it Dimitri?" He looks at Christian and gives him a slight nod. Christian clears his throat and says, " The blood was Adrian Ivashkov's. He was flying in to come to court when he was kidnapped by a group of Strigoi. They somehow got into court, drank from Adrian, and then left us that message using Adrian's blood before slipping away."

That can't be right. My jaw is hanging open. My Adrian. The fun, careless Adrian that helped teach Lissa his spirit tricks. "Is, is he alive?" I whisper, my voice trembling. Dimitri nods and says, " He has requested to see you two. He says he has some vital information to share, and that you all are the only ones he will share it with." Me and Lissa look at each other, mildly confused. "Well let's go. The boys can stay here and baby sit. We won't be long," Lissa says, leaving no room for argument. We jog across court, stopping once we reach the hospital. "What do you think he is going to tell us?" I ask, my voice still shaking. Liss looks around and then finally answers, "I honestly have no idea." We make our way up to his room, and after being approved to enter, we walk in silently.

There he lay, the infamous Adrian Ivashkov. He turns and grins at us weakly and the says grandly, "Lissa and the little dhamphir, the dynamic duo. How great it is to see you after so long." I run over and give him a small hug. "We didn't know if you were going to be ok," I whisper. "Nah, I'm fine. Just a little bruised up," he says nonchalantly. Liss walks over and examines his neck. There were atleast 5 sets of bite marks. "Damn," I mutter, taking in his other injuries. Stitches above his eye, bite marks on his neck, and more stitches on his arm where they must have been cut. Liss takes his hand and closes her eyes. She's going to heal him, I realize, a second to late. Before me or Adrian can protest, she has already healed him. The bite marks are gone, aswell as the bruising. "Damn cousin, you are still amazing after all these years," he whispers in amazement, "Shall we get on with it? I know why you all showed up." I look at Liss and she nods. "Alright Adrian, spill it," I say, trying not to show my fear.

He pulls a letter out of his pocket, glancing around nervously. "Here, read it," he whispers anxiously. I cautiously open the letter, to see a very neatly written message.

Queen Vasilisa,

I wish you wouldn't cause such a ruckus. I thought perhaps you would be smarter than this, but you have once more proven me wrong. You have continued your family line, not allowing it to fade into history. Why? You would've been so much safer, my dear. Now, your little baby, (Lacey is it?) is in great danger. There are things coming for her. Strigoi, to be specific. They are very eager to kill off the Dragomir line, and they may be successful. My sources tell me the Strigoi are giving you an ultimatum: Give up your Crown, or give up your family. Do what you want with that information Vasilisa, and be careful.


Robert Doru

"Oh my God," I gasp. Lissa's face is ashen. Robert Doru, Victor Dashkov's illegitimate brother, was still alive? And to top it off, he was trying to help us? "I received the letter at the hotel I had been staying at. Then when the group of Strigoi mugged me, they asked if I still had this letter. I had hidden it in my room, but I had some of my connections send it here so I could give it to you and Rose," Adrian says, his eyes distant, "Why did they want the letter?" "And why do the damned Strigoi want to kill the Dragomirs?" I say, my voice seething with hate. "I will give up my crown if I have to. I will do anything to protect Lacey and Christian," Lissa says fiercely, eyes red and bloodshot from all the stress. She was everything the Moroi government needed, smart, reasonable, fair, etc. I will not let them lose her. They need her. "You won't be giving up anything, I promise you that Liss," I whisper, my mind raging. Me and Dimitri needed to find a way to solve this problem, soon.

Liss and I left soon after, bringing the letter to show Christian and Dimitri. We made it to Lissa's door when she broke down and hugged me, choking back her sobs. "Shhhh, Liss, it's all going to be okay. I won't let anything happen to you," I murmer, the reassuring words for her as well as myself. I sighed. How was I going to stop these cruel bastards?

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