Chapter 7|Up, Up, and Away

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At the airport we met Lissa's advisor, Audrey Szelsky. She was tall, even for a Moroi, with deep red hair and striking blue eyes. She was beautiful. At the moment, her eyes were red and puffy, presumably from crying. Liss runs to her and hugs her. "I'm so sorry about your father Audrey!" Liss says, voice gentle, "How are you doing?" "I'm, I'm alright," she sniffles. I give her my condolences and we all walk to the jet in a comfortable silence. I actually liked Audrey. My mother guards one of her uncles, and her family is a highly respected one. She is a sweet girl and I hate seeing her like this. I suddenly wonder how Audrey's father died. He wasn't old enough to have slipped away gracefully with old age. I elbow Liss gently in the side and whisper, "How did her dad die?" She glances at Audrey, and then mouths, face grim, "Strigoi." "Oh shit," I say aloud before I can stop myself. "You okay Rose?" Audrey asks. "Yea I'm fine, just thinking about how high we are gonna be," I say with a tight smile. The letter said some Royals were major pissed about recent Strigoi attacks and were blaming Liss. Shit shit shit. My mind is spinning. My thoughts are interrupted by the flight attendant. "Buckle your seatbelts and prepare for take off," she says calmly. I lean back and get comfy. This was gonna be a long trip.

As soon as we were in the air, I got a headache. I always get them when we first get outside of the wards because of the ghosts and spirits I see. When Liss saved me I had been touched by the world of the dead. I thought when the bond disappeared that the ghosts would too, but obviously they haven't. I let my walls down and looked at the apparitions floating around me. They looked so sad and forlorn. One particular ghost caught my eye. He was tall and had deep red hair. His throat had been ripped out. I wince painfully at the thought. He was gazing sadly at Audrey. That's when who he was suddenly dawned on me. He was Audrey's father. Of course he would hang around a little while, considering he died a violent death. It is kind of sweet. Even after dying, he still came to see his daughter. Hell mine is still alive and I haven't seen him in a year. I close my eyes and put my mental barriers back up. I glance at Liss and smile. Lacey was asleep in her lap and Lissa's head was resting on Lacey's. They both looked angelic and innocent. To my left I sense Audrey stirring. She is asleep, but it doesn't appear to be peaceful. Poor girl. I decide I won't be any help to Liss if I'm tired, so I get comfy in my chair and drift into a peaceful, sleep.

We arrive at the airport in Montana at around 4 pm human time, so around the beginning of the vampiric day. We had to fly into a human airport, so there was plenty of them here. Lacey took in the sight with her big, green eyes. We followed Audrey towards the baggage claim to get our bags, shoving our way through the crowd. After we find our bags, we head toward the parking lot to find a limo with a driver holding a sign that reads "Royals and Dhampir." Wow. Talk about obvious.

After a moment, we get in the limo and prepare for the hour drive to Audrey's parent's home in the mountains. Once we get out of the little airport I see the familiar Montana landscape, with it's tall, jagged mountains and coniferous trees. I loved living at court, but I admit that I had missed Montana a lot more than I had thought. I lean back and enjoy the view until we come upon a large gate. The driver types in a code and the heavy, iron gate slowly swings open. The driveway is long and made of gravel. When we reach the house, my jaw drops. There were tons of people here, along with reporters who wanted to get up close and personal with Liss and Lace. "Well damn," I grumble under my breathe. So much for my feeble hopes of a small funeral. This shit was going to be big. With that last thought, we all get out of the car, Liss clinging to Lacey as I grab her and Audrey and shove them in front of me. We sprint to the house, making it in without incident. "Thank you God," I whispered, taking in the people from door. Their were hundreds of them. How the hell was I supposed to keep all of the Moroi safe if a Strigoi group makes a sneak attack?

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