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v0t3 and c0mm3nt

no update until 150 ACTUAL comments 🦍

btw, I never wrote an epilogue for indecision, so, should I?

We continued walking up all the stairs, until we got to floor

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We continued walking up all the stairs, until we got to floor. Once we got to the 7th floor, the gun shots were very close, meaning they were on this floor.

"Come on, we gotta take them out" I explained to the guys." They looked at me , confused, but then took their guns off safety, raising them.

I pushed open the door, leading in to the hallway, very slowly.

I turned my head slowly around the corner to see the men in army uniforms, shooting people, who were fighting back in the apartment.

The residents of this apartment building were clearly loosing, not noticing that the men had bullet proof vests on.

They shoulda been aiming for the legs, or the neck up .

I looked at Stokeley, and the other half of us that were behind the other side of the wall, giving them a nod, meaning it was time to shoot now.

Based on the more gunshots on top of us, I could tell that the army men had split into two groups to eliminate the people in the building.

Stokeley shot the man closest to us, in the back of the head, and since he was farthest in the back compared to the other army men, they didnt even notice that he was shot.

We continued, shooting the people in the back, so that it wasnt noticable, to the army men in the front.

This was also helpful to the people in the apartments, who were fighting back.

Now all of us were shooting, until none of them were left.

I searched through the apartment, looking for anything we could use as a weapon

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I searched through the apartment, looking for anything we could use as a weapon.

Me and Jenna had a gun, but there was only five bullets in them, put together.

Mrs.Delores was looking through her purse until she said something.

"Wait, look what I got, I forgot about this" Mrs.Delores reminisced, looking through her other bag.

She lifted out a buffer, heavier looking gun.

"oh my god that's a hand cannon" I gasped, looking at it.

"Theres only 2 bullets in here " Jenna said.

"Well its better than a damn, spatula" Mrs. Delores laughed.

"Do you even know how to use that thing ?" Red asked Mrs.Delores.

" I do" I raised my hand slightly.

"how-" Mrs.Delores asked.

"boyfriend" I shrugged.

"who the hell is your boyfriend" Red asked.

"Since when you got a boyfriend?" Mrs.Delores asked in unison as Red.

"I- " I didnt want to say anything at the moment.

"not right now, we gotta get ready for this." Jenna interfered.

"Wait, so who's guns are those ?" Red asked, pointing to the guns that Tank had given us.

"Me and Jenna's, and Tank gave them to us, because I already know your gonna ask" I told him.

"Here, you use the hand cannon, me and Jenna have our guns, and Mrs.Delores you have the butcher knife " I told them, assigning them their weapons.

Mrs.Rosa and her daughter were in the closet, hiding.

Me, Jenna, Mrs.Delores, and Red made our way to the living room, waiting for the men attacking us, to arrive.

"Wait, where is Sonny?" I asked them.

" probably with Dina" Red said.

[ so here is the tea. Sonny and Dina broke up, and Dina claims Sonny beat her. Sounds familiar, right ? She said sonny is an x wannabe, and she didnt lie there, but anyways, now both of their accounts are disabled. ]

read that ^ you'll laugh .

I nodded, hoping he was okay.

I sat behind the TV stand, so that they didnt see us as soon as we walked in. Jenna was behind the couch, Mrs. Delores was behind the door, and Red was on the side of the couch.

All of a sudden, the door bursted open.

to be continued...



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