Chapter 1

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Val wakes up.
She gets out of bed.
Val glares at the mirror.
(Appearance V)

She walks into her closet

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She walks into her closet.
This is gave to do.
Val grabs some clothes.
She walks into the bathroom.
Val gets into the shower.
A few minutes later she gets out.
She dries her hair.
She puts her clothes on.

She puts her clothes on

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She brushes her hair.
Good enough.
She walks out.
She enters her bedroom.

She had a white fluffy chair in one corner

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She had a white fluffy chair in one corner.

Also in another corner there was another chair

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Also in another corner there was another chair.

Also in another corner there was another chair

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Val grabs her backpack.
Her phone was charging.
She unplugs her phone.
It was at one hundred battery.
She puts the phone in her pocket.
Val walks downstairs.
"Good morning sweetie."

"Morning mom

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"Morning mom."
Val sits down and eats.
Someone walks in.

"Good morning Ray

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"Good morning Ray."
There was silence.
He sits down and eats.
Val puts her plate in the sink.
"Is dad already at work?"
Ray walks outside.
"Bye mom."
"Bye Val."
Val walks outside.
She speed walks over to Ray.
I can't walk with you?
Ray and Val are one and an half years apart.
Ray was in twelfth grade.
Val was in eleventh grade.
That's the first chapter hope you enjoy. I don't know why I have so many pictures on this chapter. XD

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