Chapter 2

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Val walks to her friends.


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"Hey guys

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"Hey guys."
"Ooh. Your trying to be a badàss."
"I told you I'm just trying different styles. Vanessa."
"Yeah sure you are."
"Anyways." Julia said.
"Oooh! You guys have to come to this party!"
"Because it will be fun!"
"Whatever I'll ask my mom."
"What about you guys?"
"I don't care."
"Good you all should be there. Its on Friday."
Val was on her phone.
She texts someone.
The text says ,"on Friday can I go to a party?"
Someone texts her back.
Val texts her.
Val looks at Vanessa.
"I can go.."
"After school let's go shopping!"
"Let me reword that. After school let's all go shopping."
"Really Vanessa. You know I don't want to."
"Oh well your coming."
"I'm fine with shopping."
"Alright after school let's go."
They are now at the mall.
That's pretty. I'm gonna get it but I'm not wearing that to the party.

 I'm gonna get it but I'm not wearing that to the party

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Maybe I'll wear it to school tomorrow.
"Find your outfit yet?"
"Not for the party."
"Ooh. You found something cute!"
She looks around again.
She looks at an outfit.
That's pretty.
I think I'll wear this.

She looks around waiting for the others

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She looks around waiting for the others.
No I'm getting this!
This is some much better!

I'm still getting the other two outfits though

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I'm still getting the other two outfits though.
After everyone found something to wear they paid.
"I'll drive us to our houses."
"Alright. Means I don't have to call Ray and wait."
They walk into the car.
Julia driving, Val in the passenger seat, and Vanessa, Ally, and Harley in the back.
"I never got yo ask. Do you like your brother?"
"Yeah he's your brother."
"I like him as my brother. He's nice. I wouldn't say towards everyone and always though."
"Ally. Your the first to be evicted from the car and into your house."
"Cya guys tomorrow."
Ally gets out.
After everyone else gets dropped off.
"Your fine walking home from here right? Im just really low on gas and your just a few blocks away."
Val grabs her bags.
Val starts walking.
She looks at her phone.
Its 7:24.
The phone dies.
She continues walking.
Val looks behind her.
She saw a glimpse of something.
Nothing is there.
Must be my imagination.
She keeps walking.
I saw it again.
She starts walking faster.
Why must I live near a forest?
She walks into the house.
"Where were you?"
"Shopping with my friends."
"Dinner is almost ready."
She goes upstairs.
Val puts away her clothes.
That's it for this chapter. Who do you think that person was?

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