Chapter 3

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Val wakes up.
She walks into her closet.
Val grabs her clothes.
She walks into the bathroom.
She puts the clothes on the counter.
Val gets ready to go in the shower.
She goes in the shower.
After the shower she dries her hair.
She puts the clothes on.

She looks in the mirror

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She looks in the mirror.
She puts her hair into a French braid.
Val walks into the kitchen.
"Good morning mom."
"Good morning Val. Here's your breakfast."
She places a plate of food in front of her.
"Your welcome."
She starts eating.
Ray walks in.
"Good morning Ray."
"Whats breakfast."
"French Toast."
Then it stayed silent as they ate.
"Let's go."
"In a second."
She puts the plate in the sink.
She grabs her bag as they walk out.
"I still can't believe you never had a boyfriend V."
"You ever gonna get one?"
She starts being sarcastic.
"No I'm gonna be a loner loser."
"Yeah that's the way your going."
"Bìtch what did you say?"
They were now at school.
"Yo Ray you never smile."
"I was bothering my sister its fun. You should try it."
Harley walks over.
"Need me to beat his àss?"
"Like you could."
"I could!"
"No you can't."
"Yes I can."
"Can you stop?"
Val drags Harley.
One of Ray's friends start talking.
"Ray your right its fun to bother her and easy you just need to talk to her friend."
"Ray I swear I'll break your car."
"I'll fùcking break your head."
"Enjoy jail."
"Enjoy death."
She looks at Harley.
"You dragged me away your coming over to us now."
She walks over to Harley.
The bell rings.
They walk to class.
"I can't wait for the party!"
"Of course you can't Vanessa."
"Aren't you excited?"
"A little. But your acting like its my first party."
"Oh whatever."
Ray walks over.
"Your going to a party?"
"Yeah on Friday."
"So your going to Sheela's party."
I don't know her..
"I guess."
"I was gonna go but your gonna be there."
"Good I don't have to see your ugly face."
"Haven't you seen yourself?"
"Yeah. Have you seen yourself?"
"Duh. I'm hot. Don't you know how many girls want me?"
"Yup. None. Not even mom."
That's it for this chapter. Sorry its short its only like four hundred words. :C  I just want to get the chapter out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2019 ⏰

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