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Murdoc had called your boss and bribed him into letting you have the night off.
Now you were in the market looking for ingredients, you had decided pasta would do the trick. It's a simple meal and wouldn't take long.
"Do you like cheese on your noodles?" You asked, it was kind of a dumb question. Who doesn't like cheese?
Murdoc nodded as he awkwardly stood beside you, not really knowing what to do with himself.
"Could you get some wine? Doesn't matter what kind as long as it's cheap. " You muttered, pointing to the left, "Just a few aisles over."
Now this Murdoc could definitely do. Wine wasn't really his poison of choice but he was no stranger to it.
As he walked away you continued to look for the right brand of noodles.
"Fancy seeing you here again."
You looked up and smiled at the familiar face of Harris.
"Could say the same to you but well, you work here." You joked, looking back at the shelves. Of course it was on the top, where you couldn't reach.
"Hey uh, you think you could do me a little favor?" You asked sheepishly, pointing at the noodles. Harris smiled and nodded before reaching up to grab them, only for a green tinted hand to grab it first.
Murdoc had been eavesdropping just a tiny bit and stepped in when he thought appropriate.
You had no complaints as long as the damn noodles were in your cart.
"Oh! Thanks!" You said, smiling up at him.
"Yeah." Harris muttered, looking down a bit, which of course made murdoc smirk.
"I got the wine you asked for love." Murdoc gently placed both items in the cart next to the cheese and sauce.
"Thank you. Well Harris, I'll be expecting that text." You smiled and waved for a few seconds before Murdoc pressed his hand on your back and the two of you started walking.

*lil time skip cuz yeah*
Opening the door to your apartment, you sighed and looked at the mess of ramen cups on your coffee table, "Sorry for the mess, I'll have it cleaned in a minute."
Murdoc nodded and helped you set the bags down before you quickly grabbed a bag and started cleaning, "I never have company." You admit, chuckling a bit, "So I don't usually worry about the appearance."
Murdoc, being the flirt he is, went up behind you and gently grabbed your arms, "How about I make dinner and you relax love?"

You had to fight off a blush as you sighed, "U-um I don't know, my kitchen is set up weird and-"
Murdoc chuckled and led you to the couch, "Not another peep."
How exactly were you supposed to argue here?
The answer, you don't.
Nodding in defeat, you let yourself sink into the couch as Murdoc went back to the kitchen. You fell asleep to the sound of pans cluttering.
Murdoc never really mentioned it, but he was actually quite the chef, enjoyed cooking too. But of course with the whole 'tough guy' facade he put on twenty four seven, he never got the chance to enjoy himself with the little things he liked to do. Of course he was still a flirtatious ass with a bit of a temperament issue by nature, but he did enjoy some things that didn't involve alcohol and bad decisions.
Making a simple meal such as pasta was really something he needed more than you needed that break, he did it more for him.
Looking over to where you were on the couch, he chuckled, "Really just going to fall asleep like that whilst I make dinner?" He questioned, of course there was no answer.
He found himself looking at you for a bit longer than one would've thought to be normal. Once he realized that he was being a little too creepy, he quickly looked away and continued his cooking, the noodles were almost done so he set out to find a strainer.

About fifteen minutes later and the meal was done, on plates, and in his hands. He gently set the plates on the coffee table and went back to the kitchen to find glasses for the wine.
The ones he found weren't very fancy but they'd have to do.
He made sure everything was nice and neat before setting down next to you and shaking your shoulder a bit.
"Wake up love, dinner is served."
You stirred a bit and yawned as you slowly sat up, waking up a bit more with each groggy blink.
Once you were fully awake, you looked in amazement at the food in front of you, "It looks so good!" You said excitedly.
Murdoc smirked, "Well thank you."
Smiling, you picked up your glass and motioned for Murdoc to follow, which he did. Clinking them together, you chuckled, "To the best looking dinner I've had in a year at least. "
Murdoc looked a bit concerned at that statement but nonetheless took a chug.
"Dig in skinny bones, I didn't make it just to be stared at." He joked, grabbing a plate and a fork.
You did the same and quickly munched down, stopping to take a drink every minute or so.
Murdoc was amazed by how fast yet polite you were eating. You weren't making a mess but it looked like you should have been.
After the two of you finished the meal you continued to drink the wine until the bottle was empty. You were a bit drunk, and murdoc was a little tipsy as the two of you talked about random things.
"I've been single for about five years now." You muttered, "My last boyfriend was an ass of a man."
Murdoc chuckled, "How so?"
"Well FIRST," you started counting on your fingers, "There was at least five other girls under his belt, he never even attempted to make time for me, and all he wanted was money and sex. " You huffed and slumped back, "We only did it once or twice, but he hinted so many times it began being hard to keep track of all the times he'd try to pull me into bed."
Nodding, Murdoc opened his arms, "C'mere love, ya look like ya need a hug."

You smiled and dove into his arms, "You're warm. " You mumbled
"I suppose I am." Murdoc replied as he tilted your face upwards.
Gulping, you looked up at him, "C-can I ask you something?"
"Shoot love."
Your drunken blush quickly spread like wildfire, "Do you think I could uh-uhm..... Y'know-"
Murdoc chuckled and cut you off by pressing his lips against yours. You thought you had it under control for a minute or two but the kiss which seemed innocent quickly turned hot.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pressed yourself against him, he did the same to your waist. The mix of alcohol and pure desperation took over your senses as the two of you continued.
You could feel his hands roaming over your curves, making you shutter. But you knew it had to stop, you knew that you couldn't let yourself go too far.
You quickly pulled yourself away from him, "I'm sorry I just-"
"It's alright, let's get you to bed." Murdoc mumbled.

He walked you to your room and made sure you made it to your bed without falling before leaving.
You soon heard the front door open and close.
Not being sober enough to feel all that bad about what just happened, you quickly passed out, forgetting most of the nights events.

Murdoc x reader vacation days (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now