🐸 pt.1

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Finns pov

"H-how do I do this?" I asked jack. "Like I said, just ask her to hang out with you... me and jaeden will help you don't worry." He said. "Will he be here soon?! I think y/n is busy today." I said. "Give me your phone." He said. "W-" I said pulling it out then he snatched it from me. I watched.

Y/n 💛

Me: hey y/n! I wanted to take you somewhere today at 6, are you busy? If not then I'll pick you up!

Typing ○○○

"YOu pUt a hEart!?" I said. "Finn, calm down, it's obvious that she likes you." He said. *ding*

Y/n 💛

Y/n 💛: hey finn!! I'm totally up for that! I'll get ready!! ❤❤


"OMG SHE PUT TWO HEARTS!!" I shouted. Jack covered his ears. "Go get ready dude!" He said and I ran upstairs and got ready.

"Y/n loves coffee, I'm gonna take her to a coffee shop then to the beach." I said and jack nodded. (Emma Chamberlain whO?) The clock said 5:47. I might as well pick her up now. I grab my keys and go to the car. Jack and jaeden went in jacks car. I then drove to y/n's house.

Y/n pov

"I can't believe He wants to take me out!" I said to sophia. We were facetiming. "Girl! It's obvious that he likes you! He gets nervous around you, he stares at you with heart eyes!!" She said. I blushed. "iS y/N blUshing?!" She said. I nodded and giggled. I then saw his car. It was 5:55. "Sophia, he's here, got to go! Talk to you after!" I said and hung up.

- 290 words

𝓕𝐢𝐧𝐧 𝓦𝗼𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐢𝗺𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 2Where stories live. Discover now