Chapter 27: I'll be Home For Christmas

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Christmas was so close but not even Emily's extravagant decorating and lavish purchases at the local stores could put Rory in the mood to celebrate. Feeling as though she was a prisoner in her own house, she had been resting and doing everything she could to recover from her accident and the amnesia which kept her stuck in 2002. However her mind was fixed on one thing as she eagerly awaited updates from the hospital.

Jess was out of the ICU and now in a ward, having avoided the need for surgery. Liz and Luke were staying near the hospital so they could be on hand to spend as much time as possible with him. It had been such a shock for them all to see Jess so unwell but slowly, colour was returning to his cheeks and he was finally off the oxygen mask as he had begun to respond to his treatment.

Logan still visited daily as he had begun to build an unexpected rapport with Jess. The many hours spent in each other's presence during the early days of this difficult circumstance, had allowed for bridges to be built. Rory was astounded by the change she saw in both of them when Logan took her for an afternoon visit.

"I just don't get it!" Rory exclaimed to Logan as she came out of Jess' room, while the nurse took his routine vitals. "How did you two end up like friends?"

"I don't just happened...." Logan replied trying to reflect on the changes in recent days. "Surprisingly, we do have a lot in common ..... father and family issues was one thing ....... dislike for spending time in hospitals...... having a stubborn streak .......and then of course there was you!"

"But it had to be more than that!" Rory maintained. "You could hardly tolerate being in the same room!"

"We came to an understanding.......and I guess that was because we talked mostly about you Ace.... We went back in time and when we got really deep, I could see that Jess had loved you..." Logan shared, "....and I could see the way he still has feelings for you..... and probably always will have.......but listening to me, he came to appreciate my love for you fact my very presence with him when you needed to rest, told him more than anything I could explain!"

Rory was shocked! She didn't know what to say but Logan went on anyway.

"We both want what's best for you Ace," Logan continued, ".... and Jess was happy to conclude that while he hopes to always be a part of your life.... what you and I have is really special.... he could see how I had made you happy and he didn't want to compete!"

Rory didn't know what to think but when the nurse indicated they could come back in, she asked Logan if he could wait outside while she just had a quick chat with Jess alone. Logan agreed and said he would go for a walk to stretch his legs.

"Hey..... is everything okay?" Rory asked Jess as she sat down beside his bed again.

"Yeah all good ....the nurse seemed pleased with all my readings..." Jess replied noticing that Logan was missing. "Did Logan have to go?"

"No I just wanted to have a chat with you myself Jess .... just to clarify some things...." Rory stated, ".... about you and Logan....."

Jess looked confused then smiled when he realised that their new, very unlikely friendship was possibly puzzling Rory!

"Logan said you two have lots in common and that you have been talking about me...." Rory began feeling a bit foolish.

"Yes that's true on both counts .... actually we have spent quite a while talking about you ..... you're a very interesting topic of conversation Rory!" Jess teased, his dark brown eyes sparkling.

"Oh am I now?" Rory smiled then became more serious. "So Logan tells me you two came to some conclusions......."

"Yeah.... Logan understands that your relationship with me was what it was .....a young romance ......that I found hard to let go of ..... but when you remember, I hope you will reflect on what we had because despite everything, we found a connection that was so deep, right from the start .....and even though our lives went in different directions, we had that connection and perhaps there's a part of it we never lost ...."

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