Chapter 1

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Hey everyone! This is the first chapter of Don't Scream's sequel. I sure hope you like it! It takes place 8 months after the last events of Don't Scream, and most of the original cast will be in it =) Enjoy!


         I shot up with a frightened gasp, my whispered name fading and dissipating with the arrival of my consciousness. Wiping away at my sweat-drenched brow, I looked around to make sure I was in my own room. Thankfully, my dream was only just that, and I was still in my bed, clad in a huge t-shirt and trembling slightly from what I had experienced. It was pretty similar to the past nights, with nothing but pitch black occupying my dream world, and the haunting echo of Avery's voice filling my mind and calling to me.

        Ever since returning to my normal life eight months ago, I had been having the odd dreams about twice a month. They were nothing like Andrew's, which were very lucid, but more along the lines of a fleeting nightmare that I forgot after I woke up. And that was just the beginning of it. Lately, wherever I went or whatever I was doing, Avery always seemed to pop up in one way or the other. Like sometimes I would think that I saw him in a crowd or standing in line someplace, or I was dead sure I heard his voice nearby, but when I ran to get a quick glance, it wasn't him. Maybe my mind was still getting over the trauma of his torment, or the connection caused by his blood was still active. Either way, nothing absolutely terrible was happening, so I shrugged it off and glanced over to my alarm clock. The bright red numbers told me dawn was fast approaching, and I flopped back onto my bed dramatically with a loud groan. Tomorrow was moving day, and I was not nearly well rested enough for the trip to Oak Ridge. Grabbing the nearest available pillow, I pressed it over my face and prayed to the gods of sleep that I would drift off immediately and that my mom wouldn't barge through my door any earlier than noon.


        "Are you sure you're going to be alright, honey? Because if not, we can always-"
        "Yes, mom! I'll be fine!" I rolled my eyes and snatched the pink travel bag out of my mother's fretting hands. She had been asking me if I was going to be able to hack it on my own the entire hour drive over here, and repeating myself had begun to get tiring after the hundredth 'yes'. Both her and my dad had accompanied me to Oak Ridge one last time so they could say goodbye before I started university, and we had to take two cars since I was going to be keeping mine here. Unfortunately for me my mother chose to ride in my car, consequently subjecting my poor ears to sixty grueling minutes of nagging and worry.
        "Look, I love you both dearly, but I'm eighteen. You'll be calling nightly to make sure I'm okay, and Jennifer is here, too. She'll keep me in check."
        All three of us looked at each other for a second, almost as if debating the verity of my words. We were standing in the doorway of my new apartment, and even though it was getting dark, my parents still refused to leave. I had been accepted to Northern Idaho University in May, but that didn't stop dear old mom and dad from shooting down my idea of leaving home. They were still paranoid about my little winter episode, and it took much begging and some negotiation for them to finally concede. I promised them that they could call me every night and listen to me take my unnecessary pills, then check in with Jennifer to see how I was doing, and come down to visit me however often they wanted. Apparently satisfied, they reluctantly helped me secure an apartment down here along with some furnishings, and now, at the very beginning of September, I was at last going to be free. Well, once we got past the hugging and the tears.

        Both parents pulled me into an 'I'm-never-going-to-see-you-again' embrace, and the squeaking that doubled as my mother crying put a grimace on my face.
        "I'll be okay, you guys. Really. I have a job, a place to live, and my classes seem really cool! I will miss you, though."
        Oh, how I lied. This was a very exciting day for me, but I tried not to let it show as my parents pulled away and regarded me with emotion-filled, sentimental eyes.
        "Oh, my little Abby gal is all grown up! I love you so much, dear! And you know you can come home any time you want." My mom put her papery palm on my cheek, and I nodded.
        It had been roughly eight months since I escaped from Brooks County, but my parents still treated me like I was a bomb about to go off. The only difference now being they babied me worse than an infant. Was it any wonder why I was currently inching further back into my apartment?
        "Okay mom. But I've got work tomorrow, and I'm kind of tired from moving. So I'd better get some rest!" A fake smile was turned on, and my parents exchanged sad looks before kissing my cheeks.
         "Alright pumpkin. Be safe and sleep well. We love you."
         I nodded as my dad winked at me, then led my sniffling mother away from my door.
        "Love you too." I waved them off, and once they were out of sight, I quickly pumped my fist into the air.

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