Chapter 24: Tragedy

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Lucky's POV:

It's been a month since the tragedy. Angel had a miscarriage. It was terrible for both of us. Angel blames herself. She says that it's her fault because she's been so stressed out. I keep reassuring her that it's not her fault. It's mine. If I had been more careful in keeping Elizabeth away, this never would've happened. Since Angel now knows of Elizabeth and the loss of our baby, it only made her depression worse. I felt bad for her. She doesn't deserve to go through this. No couple should. She's pretty much shut herself in since the miscarriage. She rarely comes out anymore. It's only to see the Magic Council. She doesn't talk to the gang much anymore. She keeps her distance.

The only one who can get close to her is Kacey and Keisha. I want to help her too but Kacey said I'll only remind her of the tragedy. Marcus has been helping me get over this. I'm just as distraught as Angel is. I don't know what to do with myself. I haven't stopped crying since the news. I remember it so clearly. Angel calling me late at two in the morning. I've been calling her and calling her all day. She told me some car crashed into her parents. She said she met Elizabeth and thinks she's the one who crashed into her. She was at the hospital and there she miscarried. She broke down on the phone. My heart dropped when she said that. I quickly drove to the hospital to see Angel and I prayed this was a sick joke. Turns out it was true.

I didn't believe the doctors and nurses when they said she miscarried. I had them put gel on Angel so I could see for myself. There was nothing in Angel's stomach anymore. We both broke down in the hospital. Angel's parents were pissed she was pregnant and upset that she lost the baby. Her Dad hated me but I wasn't in no mood to care. I still hope to wake up and expect to see Angel happy and her belly growing. But nothing. I never understood why people make such a big deal about losing a kid when it happened months or even years ago. Now I understand. I stared at the TV screen. Cartoons no longer made me laugh. I felt so empty inside. Me and Angel rarely talked to each other. We would both break down.

The Magic Council said it was best to keep our distance so we could work this out. So we didn't see each other much. I didn't see Elizabeth either. I guess she understood that I wasn't gonna be light Lucky with her next time I see her. I heard a knock on my door. "Lucky?" Mom called. She opened the door. I didn't look at her. "Hey baby. How you feeling?" She asleep sitting down. "Honestly I want to die right now." I said. "Don't say that." She said. "Yeah son. Especially right now." Dad said, waking in. I looked at him. He looked concerned. I looked at Mom. She had tears in her eyes. "What?" I asked. "Angel, um..." Mom trailed off. "Angel what? What about Angel?" I asked, sitting up. Mom broke down crying. Dad held her. "Angel tried to kill herself last night." He said. My heart dropped.

"Marcus went over to check on Angel since everyone was going somewhere. Angel didn't wanna go so Keisha sent Marcus to check on her and found her unconscious and foaming at the mouth. Turns out she'd taken some poisonous drugs." He continued. Tears fell from my eyes. I got up and ran out the room. I ran out the house and transformed. I flew all the way to town and to the hospital. I landed behind it and ran inside. I got the information about Angel and I ran to her room. I walked in to see her unconscious with everyone by her side. They looked at me. "Fuck is he doing here?" Trevon asked. "Trevon not now." Nya said. "Nah fuck that. It's his fault we crashed. His psychotic bitch ex girlfriend hit us and now he has my little girl hanging on by a thread." He said, angrily.

"Dad stop." Angel said. We looked at her. "Oh my babygirl." Nya I sad, hugging her. "Angel what the hell were you thinking?" I asked, walking up to her. "I'm so sorry Lucky. I just can't anymore." She said. Tears streamed down her face. "I couldn't handle the guilt anymore. I can't do this anymore." She said. "Angel that's doesn't mean for you to go kill yourself!!" Nya said. "And for the last time baby, its not your fault." I said. Angel covered her face with the pillow. "Angel it's going to get better." Nya said. "How?" Angel asked. Her voice was muffled. "I had a miscarriage once." Nya said. I looked at her. We all did. Angel slowly moved the pillow from her face. "What?" Keisha said. "Yep. Because I had a miscarriage, me and your father turned to drugs. It wasn't from our jobs. We got fired because of our drug use." Nya said.

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