Spa Hotel

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[Picture not mine!]

Hey, so before we begin with this chapter, I said this story was deleted due to unknown reasons. Turns out all I had to do was update Wattpad, and I got this story back. It was a scary glitch! Anyway back to the chapter--> ~

After the elimination ceremony was over. The teams headed to there sleeping area's. The vultures went to the crummy bunkers and the hams went to the hotel. The girls in one room, boys in the other. I take a quick shower, put my pj's on, and head to bed. Sierra tucked her phone in, Courtney called her weird. I didn't care.

It was around 2 in the morning. I got very hungry. I wanted to go get something to eat but I didn't have bra's on. Just a T-shirt, but I was really hungry. Aw what the heck, everyone is asleep. I should be fine. I quietly get out of bed, and head to the kitchen. I grab a snack, I quickly ate it. I walk back up the stairs. The boys room was slightly open. My curiosity got the best of me.

"Just a peek"

I tip-toe to the door and look inside. Its Mike, he was holding Sam's GameBoy. Mike then breaks it in half. He looked up at me. I can see his face. One of his eyes were covered by his hair. He put the GameBoy back in Sam's bag and walks to the door. I whisper.

"Shit, did he see me"?

I back away from the door. Mike swung the door open. He then closed the door behind him. He got closer to me.

Not Mike:" Listen here 'girly'. If you tell anyone about this, I'll make your life a nightmare".

Its that same sexy voice...

"Uh, Mike, whats with the look? Are you going through a phase"?

"Okay, first of all, the names Mal".

Mal pins me to the wall.

"Remember! Don't tell anyone"!

"Ohh yeah?, and if I do"?

A small tint of pink forms on Mal's face. Mal gets even closer. My breasts touching his chest. Mal looks down at my breasts. He smirks. Mal puts his right leg in between my legs. Mal grabs my left breast, squeezing it tight. Mal sucks on my neck, trying to leave me a hickey. I wanted him to stop, but at the same time, I didn't. I covered my mouth, making sure no moans escape from my mouth.

Mal stops what he was doing and looks at me. His face was red.

Mal:" I'll make you suffer" (chuckles)

My face turns red. Mal was about to go back into his room. I didn't want him to go. I liked what he was doing, surprisingly. I reached out to grab his wrist.

Mal:" Oh, whats this? You wanted more"?

I shyly nodded.

Mal:" this will be fun" (chuckles)

Mal pins me back to the wall again. He puts his hands on my hips, and brings me closer to his body. I can feel  him getting hard. He sucks on my neck, leaving me hickeys. I moan into his ear, not to loud though. Everything felt so good...


I hear Mal gasp and moan out loud.

Mike:" uhhhfff aaahhu, w-what"?

Mike saw what the was doing. His face was bright red. He saw the hickey and where his hands were. He looked at my chest and back at me. Mike backs away from me. Our faces bright red.

Mike:" y-y/n, w-what happened"?

I decided to lie.

"I saw that you were sleeping walking and I wanted to take you to bed. But you started to.. do things.. to me"

I pretend to look worried.

Mike:" y/n, i'm so sorry"!

Mike looks down noticing his erection.

Mike:" ahh"!

Mike covers himself. I just giggled.

"Imma go back to my room"

Mike:" Yeah, s-same"

I wave at Mike and head into my room. I get into my bed and think about what happened. I mostly thought about 'why did I like it'? I soon drift to sleep.

Its been awhile, I was very sad when I thought this story was deleted. But it wasn't, thank lord! So relieved. Hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to vote, it means a lot!


One of the All Stars {Mike x reader x Mal}Where stories live. Discover now